I really want to know, if you can import BG2:SoA character to BG2:ToB, I don´t see why not, but maybe there's something that prevents it, I just want to be really sure.
Is there a homepage, which contains a link for TDD that actually works?
And maybe, if there are some sites, which contains mods only compatible for ToB, as I am to upgrade very soon?
I really want to know, if you can import BG2:SoA character to BG2:ToB, I don´t see why not, but maybe there's something that prevents it, I just want to be really sure
There is no problem going from SOA to TOB- none whatsoever. You just have to import from a saved game, not a character file.
Re: the other two questions- I play on a Mac and don't really use mods, so I don't know. But someone here will, I'm sure.
You might want to do a search in this forum on TDD. We've had a few discussions of it, before. The mod is very unbalancing, with uber-rewards. That pleases some people who enjoy munchkining, but others wouldn't touch it with a halberd.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
TDD is not supported solo anywhere any more. And from what I played of it in the past, yes, I'd not recommend it.
What are you expecting Artemis to do in the mod? The Unfinished Business mod linked in my sig restores him to the Bodhi fight if you take along Drizzt as an ally, something which was planned but then cut by the developers. If it's not that you mean, then I am not sure.
As far as i remember. I'd met Artemis Entreri in the dungeons at Umar Hills, I´m quite sure it was TDD, but maybe it wasn't, beause I don´t seem to recall that the rewards in this certain mod