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Strength Bonus

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:09 pm
by werebeargoddess
You know how leveling up skills like axe and long sword will give you a bonus for strength when you level up, right? Well, for some strange reason, that hasn't been happening for me for the bast couple of times I went up a level. I always manage to improve long sword and blunt weapon, both of which are among my major skills, as well as axe, which is one of my mior skills. I'll improve them a couple times by the time I reach a new level, and i should be getting a strength bonus of 4 or 5. Yet, when I level up, I'm not getting a single bonus for strength. Any ideas for why this is happening? Thanks.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:21 pm
by oozae
[QUOTE=werebeargoddess]You know how leveling up skills like axe and long sword will give you a bonus for strength when you level up, right? Well, for some strange reason, that hasn't been happening for me for the bast couple of times I went up a level. I always manage to improve long sword and blunt weapon, both of which are among my major skills, as well as axe, which is one of my mior skills. I'll improve them a couple times by the time I reach a new level, and i should be getting a strength bonus of 4 or 5. Yet, when I level up, I'm not getting a single bonus for strength. Any ideas for why this is happening? Thanks.[/QUOTE]All I can think of is some sort of bug that came from a mod, have you downloaded any mods lately? If you have, you might want to ask Fable about it as I am no mod expert. Or, there is a possibility it is the Mournhold expansion, if you have that it might be the cause for this. I heard somewhere that the Mournhold expansion changes how your minor and major skills afffect your attributes, so check it out.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:27 pm
by fable
What's your current strength? If it's 100, you won't go any higher when you make levels. Not without the aid of a mod.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:48 pm
by werebeargoddess
It's like, 98 or something. But I don't remember this happening with my Argonian, though in general her strengh isn't as high as my Nord's.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:53 pm
by oozae
[QUOTE=werebeargoddess]It's like, 98 or something. But I don't remember this happening with my Argonian, though in general her strengh isn't as high as my Nord's.[/QUOTE]Hmm, that might have happened to my old character, I can't exactly remember. Perhaps it is a bug that Bethesda didn't find? I doubt and think it unlikely, but hey, there's always the chance. Check out the site and you might find a patch ot help you.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:55 am
by RebelousDarkElf
Try to do acrobactics, just keep jumping everywhere you go. It levels up fast and contributes to your stregnth.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:29 pm
by Raumoheru
if a stat is 95 or higher it typically will not allow any more bonuses and for the next five points u gotta do it one at a time each level up

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:20 pm
by jopperm2
IIRC if you have a stat drained like from a disease, you have to get that cured and remove all your buffs then reapply them before you can level a stat.