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Throne of Bhaal... Bleh

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:01 am
by sean
Is it just me or did throne of bhaal suck as far as longevity goes? I completed the entire game including watcher's keep and additional quests in 25 hours,no cheats. I'm not an incredibly good player, is it just me or did every1 think this?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:11 am
by GEorGE
And what exactly did you expect... For ****s sake, it's an expansion pack, not a new game and also it only takes one cd. It's just like Tales of the Sword Coast was for BG1. And besides Black Isle is busy with other things right now, like Neverwinter Nights :cool: and Torn :cool: and Dark Alliance :cool: .

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:22 am
by Sabretooth
I think that TOB was pretty damn good. Good items, new conversations, long and tough quests, pretty good for $40 ($20 US).
I tried to take on the last boss the other day and I think it was a tough battle. I got level drained badly, gave up and havent been bac since :rolleyes:
TOB is better than TOTSC BTW.
Im shocked to see such BG hating from a fellow Aussie, shame on you boy :mad:

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 1:09 am
by GEorGE
Well, since I haven't played it yet, then I don't know how to comment it. I was just pointing out that it was not BG3, it was just an expansion for BG2:SoA. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 1:41 am
by fable
Twenty-five hours? Not bad, for an add-on. Plus, the new spells, skills, class, and raised experience cap give an incentive to trying different party combinations. I also think that, although it pretty linear, the writing and plot work was good.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 3:42 am
by Xyx
25 hours of fun for only $20? I'd say there are worse investments. What does $20 of beer get you? :D

Of course, once we factor in the costs of the machine you play the game on... :mad:

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 5:25 am
by sean
it was $40 for me in aus, i just expect WAYYYYYYYY more of games since Everquest, i have around 110 days of play on that. Even considering it only took 25 hours, i hardly ever had to actually reload, i didn't feel satisfied at the end of it like bg2, killing melissan, although she was powerful, didn't mean much, she has to be the suckiest bad guy ever

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 6:26 am
by PDF
I agree with Xyx, less than 1$/hour is not much expensive, how do you pay a movie theater ticket :eek: ?
It's worse than the 40$/100 hrs+ of BG1 and SoA, though...

Morrizar, for EQ you also PAY EACH MONTH for playing...(10US $ a month IIRC), so it ain't the same calculation !

[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: PDF ]

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 12:09 pm
by TheHellion
I also noticed that just about every major interaction in the game had original voice talent, which was pretty cool. As busy as everyone is working on other projects, I'm glad to see that they didn't skimp on the budget for ToB.

I thought it was great, by the way.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2001 5:53 pm
by Aegis
So far, I'm thinking it's a fine game. Good script, and some good quests..

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 12:54 am
by sean
Sure i pay each month for eq, but i get bonus zones, REAL updates every 2 weeks/month and organized events online, but its different genre i guess. My standards are just way higher than what ToB gave me, 25 hours of play probably 5 reloads total, the side quests were nothing apart from watchers keep and the interaction between pcs was laughable. The storyline was good, voices good and new skills decent, in its defence