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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:13 pm
by penguin_king
i really hate to do this and i know my account will probabky be closed after this but i have to contradict something that obsidian said in the weapons damge thread.

he said that the dragon cliffs quest was not true.

well ACTUALLY it is true but jus not accessable unless you have a modded xbox.

the proof is in this file here
sorry about stealing your link ElykTron

And obsidian please do not close my account. i was doing what i thought necessary

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:02 am
by Frost Drake
I'm also sorry that your wrong. Dragon Cliff does not have a quest attach to it, what the faq is showing is the level script i.e display what it was supposed to at the location.

According to modders, Dragon Cliff filler 02 can be accessed at Hook Coast, but the REAL Dragon Cliff (Small island with 3 torches.) is really located near Barrow Fields. The location and file names etc. was left on the disk but the quest that was supposed to happen is empty, that is the OBJECT_QUEST_CARD_DRAGON_BOSS. Therefore no quest, we are left with a incomplete map.

Sorry for popping your bubble but that's the truth.