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HotU Battle at Gates - Can't move character

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:22 pm
by Bec

I've looked this up and found a thread about this, btu it didn't help me.
I am stuck and cannot move my character. I've arrived at the battle at the gates after speaking with the Seer and the Valsharess. I believe I need to speak to the battle herald, but I cannot move. I have tried reloading well over 20 times now, have tries reverting to a slightly earlier save. Tried all I can.

Very frustrating as can't finish game. Any ideas gratefully received.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:30 am
by koz-ivan
ran into same problem over the weekend.

what i did was go back to earlier save, before all the cut scenes and that time i was lucky enough to have the battle play out.