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Bug w/ Chloe Mod? (Contains slight spoiler)

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:58 pm
by Mazeh
If anyone here are familiar with the Chloe mod, then you might be able to help me. I've been playing with Chloe and now, Aran Linvails new quest has stepped forward. I shall save his abducted Abigail, but i can't find her. And every time i speak to Aran again, he just says the same, and i get alot of xp again, so now, I cheesed all my characteres a level, which wont help if i can't "de"-abduct Abigail :(

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 4:06 pm
by dragon wench
Abigail is in the Bridge District, but the directions are a bit wonky, I think it is a house more to the Northwest of the Balthis Estate. Basically.. just go to all the buildings with doors in the more upper portion of the map, and eventually you'll find a room full of vamps.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:51 am
by Mazeh
I think I've already tried that, yet, it doesn't hurt to try again, so I will :) Thanks.


Ok, I've found it. It was besides the fishygnome :) So, you were right, thank you very much then :)