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Swoop times
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:41 am
by Derek Baker
In the racing on Telos, the best I can manage is 42.58 seconds against a record of 41.27.
Has anyone beaten the record or have you all been put off by the guy behind the desk refusing to recognise any good times?
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 9:11 am
by Ergophobia
I had 42.18 once... never managed to get lower. The one on Nar Shaddaa was too easy, IMO, and the one on Onderon was just nice. Didn't have the patience to go for 1st price though.
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:26 pm
by Beeblebrox
Swoop racing tweaked me off in K1, so I never bothered to play in K2. I did the Nar Shadaa track just for giggles and ended with some rediculously high time.
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:44 pm
by mikekatarn
I have just gotten a fantastic (for me..) 0:40:39 at onderon...
I was getting crazy with that 0:43:03 record... Now I'm free to leave this planet
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:35 pm
by Darth Zenemij
...I could have sworn I got 34:61....I am not sure completly though.I think that is was in the late 30's don't remember.In K1 taris.
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:24 am
by Ergophobia
Well, yeah, all Swoop tracks are different length, so results may vary. The track on Nar Shaddaa was very long, the par was 1:10:56 or so... did it very first try with just over one minute.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:35 am
by Joketowner
[QUOTE=Derek Baker]In the racing on Telos, the best I can manage is 42.58 seconds against a record of 41.27.
Has anyone beaten the record or have you all been put off by the guy behind the desk refusing to recognise any good times?[/QUOTE]
Amazing time. I can barely get under 53 seconds. Trouble is, I don't even know what I could do differently. I seem to hit no walls or mines, catch every acceleration pad without swerving too much, and always shift gears at the right moment, and still I'm coming in at 52:50. What am I missing?
By the way, how do you know that you're actually hitting the acceleration pad? In KotOR I there was a sound effect at least, in II I'm not getting any feedback at all.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:36 am
by MightyIron
i liked swoop racing in 1 but i find it really hard in 2 so i dont really do it always got really high times.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:06 am
by Ergophobia
[QUOTE=Joketowner]By the way, how do you know that you're actually hitting the acceleration pad? In KotOR I there was a sound effect at least, in II I'm not getting any feedback at all.
Sounds like you're not hitting some of them then. You should be noticing a 'bang' sort of thing, also in the movement of your bike. If not, you're not running in them the right way. Make sure you're in front of them soon enough, and don't leave them too soon.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:35 am
by ektoplasma
ive never understood the gear thing so im just hitting it repeatedly and especielly everytime i pass an acceleratingthingie you might want to try that? i get around 38-39 everytime on telos.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:28 pm
by Dead!
It took me a week to beat the lowest time and managed it by about 3 seconds, then i did it again just for kicks and beat my own record by bout 10 seconds, I couldn't believe it, was very annoyed.
I think the trick is to hit the highest number of pads, instead of trying to hit the 1 b4 one of the jumps, hit the 1 after because there are 2 pads thererather than the 1 b4. and sometimes it is just better to jump over the "half walls" even though there is a gap to go through because there are pads on the other side of the wall that you can't get to using the normal steering, can't remember it exactly, I am redoing it a third time now and am on Telos, I will give you a run down when I come to the swoop racing.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:19 pm
by Dead!
It is taunting me, 41.31 with the time to beat at 41.27. lol
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:38 pm
by Dead!
39.50, did it.
I think the trick is to push up the gear on the last green dot in your revs bar (or whatever it is) and to hit as many as possible as I said before.
Hit the go button as soon as it goes green, when the revs reaches the last green blob, gear up, go over the first pad and gear up, hit the second and third pads, then as soon as you hit the third pad, gear up. hit the fourth pad and jump as soon as you are off it, you should head over the bar and riht onto the fifth pad. As soon as you are over that pad, zip left (gotta be under half a second) and jump to hit the pad right after the next bar - Instead of the zipping left and jumping, you can go through the opening to the right and zip very fast left to catch it. You should not have missed a pad so far. Hit the next 2 pads, miss the one just behind the next bar, but it is possible to catch it, it is not needed. Hit the next two which are in a row pretty much, both are essential. The next 4 pads are spread out with ounly a few mine between them which are easy to dodge, as soon as you hit the fourth pad which should be just before the bar, jump and get the next pad in the middle of the track. On your right should be a mine, after past it, zip into its lane and jump, making sure u know you are going to clear the bar. The next pad you should hit is behind the bar. From now on, it does not matter, just hit the last pad in the middle of the track if you can, but you should be ok without it. Even with missing this pad you should make it. But just to be sure, try it anyway, but DO NOT CRASH INTO MINES here as there are alot of the and you will be at such high speeds everything will be a blur. You shoudl conplete it if you follow this. This is how I did it. Adapt i so that you can complete it as well.
Hope this helps!
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:31 pm
by Joketowner
[QUOTE=Ergophobia]Sounds like you're not hitting some of them then. You should be noticing a 'bang' sort of thing, also in the movement of your bike. If not, you're not running in them the right way. Make sure you're in front of them soon enough, and don't leave them too soon.[/QUOTE]
I am now on Onderon and it seems my swoop bike is much to high above the track to actually hit the pads. How can I get it lower?
Thanks -- Chris
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:56 pm
by Sharks
[QUOTE=Derek Baker]In the racing on Telos, the best I can manage is 42.58 seconds against a record of 41.27.
Has anyone beaten the record or have you all been put off by the guy behind the desk refusing to recognise any good times?[/QUOTE]
I have before by about 2 seconds cut that one close but it takes alot of hard work and you have to time everything deads sounds like it would work quit nicely
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:00 am
by Ergophobia
The 'flying swoop' effect is caused (I think) by starting the engines a little too soon. Wait half a second after the green light turns on and that will solve it. At least it did for me.