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Converting Keldorn

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:31 pm
by Illuman
In the current game I am playing, I decided to convert Keldorn to a Cavalier using Shadow Keeper. I had no problem changing his class and skills to reflect a Cavalierm but I cannot seem to figure out how to reactiviate his turn undead and spellcasting abilities, despite the fact that he has spells memorized in his spellbook (basically, the icons are there but unusable as they are when he is an Inquisitor). Any help on how to correct this annoying problem would be fantastic. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:40 am
by tamenrot
Check this thread ... eadid=2899

If that guy does all that he says he does, probably he can help you! :) Or maybe someone in that forum can help you too :rolleyes:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:27 am
by VonDondu
Here is the best way to convert an NPC to a different class:

Start the game and add the NPC to your party. Save your game, and then exit the game.

Start Shadowkeeper and edit your saved gamed. Set Keldorn's level to 0 and reduce his hit points to about 2. Set his experience to 0 if you know how to use CLUAConsole commands; otherwise, leave it the way it is. On the next tab, change his kit to Cavalier. Remove all of his innate abilities, all of his proficiency points, and all of the entries under the "Affects" tab. Save the game and exit Shadowkeeper.

Start the game and load the saved game you just edited. Keldorn will level up to a 1st Level Cavalier if you set his experience to 0, or to a higher level if you left his experience at its previous level. When the game moves him from Level 0 to Level 1 or higher, he will automatically receive the correct innate abilities and immunities, the correct spells, and the correct number of proficiency points. That's a lot easier than editing, say, an 8th level NPC manually. If you set his experience to 0 when you did the editing, you can use the CLUAConsole to set his experience to whatever value you prefer. Since he started with 2 hit points at Level 0, he will have 2 extra hit points, but you can either leave them alone or lower his hitpoints by 2 points with Shadowkeeper.

Good luck!