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Force Enlightenment (spoilerish...)
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:52 am
by telemantros
Hiya, I was just curious about force enlightenment. The powers descriptor says, "This power allows the jedi to use the light side of the force to enhance the jedi's powers. The best of the Jedi's Speed, Armor and Valor powers are instantly activated."
So this would include Burst of Speed, Force Armor and Master Valor I would assume. But what about Battle Meditation and other powers, any of those included too?
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:58 am
by Ergophobia
I don't believe so. My character had energy resistance and it wasn't activated. So I think it's only those powers. Otherwise it would be a bit overpowered, wouldn't it?
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:28 pm
by Admo
Only those 3, but its still an incredible power - they are the 3 best buffing powers in the game. You can take down a storm-beast easily in 1 attack, and thats with a good mix of stats. Also gives you a great defence, and since Valor gives you a boost to all stats you get an improvement everywhere - more force points (like you need them!), better casting and resistance, more vitality, etc. And its incredibly cheap to use, with better force-points regeneration you can be full on force-points within a few seconds again.
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:38 pm
by Beeblebrox
[QUOTE=Ergophobia]Otherwise it would be a bit overpowered, wouldn't it?[/QUOTE]
At that point in the game your PC is so overpowered, adding all the buffs to a single all-in-one power would be like a flea fart in a hurricane.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:48 am
by Stefaan
Don't you think Enlightenment suck compared to Force Crush? I do.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:33 am
by Ergophobia
Actually, no. It does the first time you play and haven't paid points in armor nor valor, but when you know what you will get and be prepared for it, it can be quite nice. Of course I haven't used Crush a lot yet, so I might be a little ignorant about which one is stronger. But enlightenment is certainly not worthless.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:42 am
by Admo
I personally prefer it. You can kill more or less anything in a single attack round. Sion took one or two hits per "kill". Traya took three. Its a good alround power as well, boosts your defense rating a lot too.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:40 am
by MasterEwok
how do u use force enlightenment i have a level 2 jedi master and all i have is inpire followers as a master only power i have a feat that brings other to light mastery faster but no force enlightenment, aslo does anyone else find it bad that 1 dark side point takes forever to make back up i mean i got a ds point from following the kraia (sp) converstation to get more force point and it got rid of my mastery and i have since earned 4 ls points and still don't even have the ray of light behind me.
p.s. can someone post a picture of what a darkside mastery looks like i hear it is fire and smoke.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:30 pm
by Admo
Force Enlightenment is a power gained at a certain point in the game by light-side players, it isn't available at level-up, and if you're at level 17 overall you definitely won't be there. Dark-side players get Force Crush at the same point.
While it can be annoying, it kind of makes sense. Its almost like showing a weakness in a sense, from either side, like you're not entirely committed to one side. Disagree with Kreia most of the time if you want to remain fully light. It also depends on how many dark-side points you gained, and what the light-side points you've gained since are worth.
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:41 pm
by telemantros
You get force enlightenment after you have found all the Jedi Masters in the game and you are instructed by Krea to meet the Jedi Masters at the rebuilt Academy at Dantooine. After a conversation you will receive either Force Enlightenment or Force Crush.
Yes, I have found that if you do an act contrary to your moral standings that it takes multiple acts to move back towards the mastery you get for being pure sith/jedi. I found myself doing some awful things just to get HK to like me
The darkside mastery looks like a burning sun underneath your character with him/her hunched over looking menacing at you with fire and smoke emitting upwards. (It's really cool lookin