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Who "locked" my 'dialog.tlk' ?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:34 am
by Mazeh
The last three npc's(related) I've tried to install have gotten "permission denied" to my dialog.tlk. This means, that the names - which they don't have - are screwed. It means, that they'll talk, but no text is showing up.

What may possible have caused this? It's kind of annoying.

I´m using ToB exp set, and I have following npc's(related) installed;

(Fully functional)
Bon's Bruce
Totemic Cernd
Kiara & Zaiya (Or, well, almost - They can't be 'zapped' up/down to me in beginning of the game)
Yikari (=|=, same problem)
Tsujatha (=|=, same problem)

(Not functional)
Fade - Newest 'Beta' (E3FADE03.OGG broken)

(Dialog.tlk perm. denied)

And I have following other stuff installed:

Baldurdash ToB Fixpack
The newest ToB patch (Official :) .

So, how do I fix this?

One more question, I know that there some new druid spells, why don't neither Viconia or Cernd have any of those?

Thanks in advance. DO ask me, if there's more required information.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:35 am
by Kismet
Go to your installation directory (usually c:\Progrm Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA and right click on your dialog.tlk file. Choose properties. If the read only box is checked then uncheck it and hit apply.

What also could be happening is that you're trying to install some mods while the game or a game editing program is running. Make sure the game isn't running and ShadowKeeper, Near Infinity, etc. are closed as well and then try re-installing.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:58 am
by Mazeh
Hm, I've solved to problem. A bug with KelseyToB and Tsujatha. So, I've removed ALL Tsujatha related stuff (Of course I'd uninstall using the WeiDu first) and - Voila! My dialog.tlk was opened.

But, I DO appreciate that you did try to help. And your answers seems fair. But, none of those were the problem, not this time at least.

I still have the last questions; Why doesn't any of the new druid/cleric spells apply to Viconia or Cernd?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:09 pm
by dj_venom
Well, Vicona is a cleric, so she doesn't get druid spells.

As for Cernd, if it is the Totemic Cernd you are talking about, make sure it is TOB compatible, if not, that could be your problem.

Go to the website you got it from, and it should say SOA or SOA:TOB.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:52 am
by Mazeh
That doesn't really matter, as I've tried to make my own druid, without luck.

Thanks anyway for the well though answer. :)