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Mounted Combat in Oblivion, You can make it happen!
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:04 pm
by Blue_Spawn
I found DELETED on this website.
Go there for more info, it's quite interesting!
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:15 pm
by Nasuke
ok, dumb question, what is mounted combat?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:39 pm
by oozae
[QUOTE=Nasuke]ok, dumb question, what is mounted combat?

[/QUOTE]Fighting on/in something mobile.
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:23 am
by fable
Not something I'd personally want them spending their precious limited resources on. But each to their own.
On the other hand, the person who started this thread is telling tales when they say they "found" the petition on a website. Suuuure--and they just "happened" to find our board as a firsttime poster, and just "happened" to decide to post the link, which just happens to lead to one of their own threads in the ES Oblivion forum where they start another thread about mounted combat each week.

I know some of the mods over at ES have been trying to stop this. I've taken down the link.
If anybody wants to discuss the feature, no problem. But my understanding is that Bethsoft won't have it in the game, so why bother?
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 12:40 pm
by moltovir
But you will be able to ride horses, right? I'm pretty sure I saw a screenshot of that not long ago. Mounted combat would be very cool: I've always dreamed of playing an amazon character in TES3 with a bow, a small shield and a one-handed spear. But it's very likely that they won't have the time or the money to implement it

Luckily TES has a huge modding community, so we won't have to wait very long for a Horse Combat mod.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 1:40 pm
by fable
I recall reading that mounts are included (there's a great MW mod that offers this, along with trainers). Mounted combat was left out by its complex implementation. But there are a few people who really want it, and they're spamming boards everywhere thinking their petitions will somehow get Bethsoft to change their design plan to include it. Ain't gonna happen.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 2:16 pm
by dragon wench
I agree, I think that mounted combat would be very cool! I too have visions of a lightly armored character racing into the sunrise, bow at the ready.
But alas, I highly doubt it will happen

I read somewhere (it was an interview I think), that Bethesda feels it would seriously unbalance the game, and that it would involve huge amounts of time and energy to readjust the balance appropriately.
While I love the idea of mounted combat, I'll be far more happy if they actually commit to creating a game that has unique individuals, divergent dialogue paths, and an in depth, complex storyline.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:54 am
by JesterKing
(there's a great MW mod that offers this, along with trainers).
yep.... trust fable to know about a the mod. how would it seriously unbalance the game? is it not possible to make the player a tad more vulnerable to hits on his mount, to counter the speed boost? just curious as to what other problems it would present.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:30 pm
by Denethorn
Well movement is one thing, but with combat on a mount alot of problems are presented. I'm not sure about the balance issues, but a whole new animation set would need to be created for one thing... and animations for different weapons is much harder for mounted combat (swinging a halberd from a horse is a lot different from a sword etc.) then multiply that by the different races etc, I can see the work load being too much for it to be worthwile.
I'm with DW that I'd rather they invest their efforts elsewhere in the game; besides, if there is so much demand for it, I'm sure mods will be out eventually that put some form of mounted combat in, however difficult it is.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:17 pm
by Monolith
The devs stated in an interview that mounted combat would mess up the whole combat system they have created with much effort. There are many people who want mounted combat, but also many who don't care. In addition to that they would have to redesign the combat system. I'm sure they have their reasons...and I'm sure those are reasonable.
BTW, I don't care about it. But I'm sure you've already guessed

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:37 am
by Axis420
mounted would be cool but to me the game might lose alittle flavor. The only games that i think have the best mounted option are the dynesty warriors series of ps2 games. Now it might be a good way to go faster between regions, which i think might be a awsome thing cause ES3 was a killer on loading up regions. (Not that a have a crappy comp or anything....)
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:43 am
by Lowkei
[QUOTE=fable]Not something I'd personally want them spending their precious limited resources on. But each to their own.
On the other hand, the person who started this thread is telling tales when they say they "found" the petition on a website. Suuuure--and they just "happened" to find our board as a firsttime poster, and just "happened" to decide to post the link, which just happens to lead to one of their own threads in the ES Oblivion forum where they start another thread about mounted combat each week.

I know some of the mods over at ES have been trying to stop this. I've taken down the link.
If anybody wants to discuss the feature, no problem. But my understanding is that Bethsoft won't have it in the game, so why bother?[/QUOTE]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. you tell um Fable!
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:43 pm
by Davidetuna
Hi, long time no see, guys.
Personally, I LOVE IT!!!
In TES2: Daggerfall, you could even have a wagon to carry your stuff in.
Anyway, riding a horse won't make the character loose Fatigue, but your Athletic Skill won't increase.
I think the option to be able to have mounted combat is great. Then, depending on what kind of character you choose... Like playing a thief, does the thief need a horse to anounce his presence each time he arrives to a new city? I'm sure it makes travelling much easier, like someone pointed out, but with the slit rider for long distance travel. If they bring in horses, I'm sure Bethsoft have removed the slit riders, using the horses instead. After all, we are in the Imperial now.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:45 pm
by Davidetuna
I would like to see a fight between someone in levitation & one mounted one. What kind of problem would that be.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:36 am
by mattman
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:17 pm
by REal953
It would be really cool if your y and x axis were independent wile rideing so you could ride and shoot a bow at the same time. You could run through a town and shot people as you ride. It would also be cool if you could run people over and hurt or kill them.