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Lowest Level Party at Endgame

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:06 pm
by vorpal_rabbit
I'm playing through normal mode, and am on Dragon's Eye Level 3 right now. I'm level squatting my party, and wondering if I will need to level up to finish the game. I haven't had a lot of trouble beating anything to date. I occasionally get whacked, but a change in tactics always works. Everyone has enough EXP to be ECL16 or 17, but here's where we are now:

Human Fighter 4 / Cleric of Helm 8
Human Monk 4 / Druid 8
Assimar Paladin 3 / Sorcerer 9
Human Fighter 4 / Rogue 3 / Enchanter 5
Drow Evoker 10
Drow Bard 5 / Cleric of Oghma 5

What's the lowest level party in normal with which anyone has beat the game?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:28 am
by Dedigan
The first party which I complete in was a classic party two tanks, archer, thief, priest, wizard. I must have missed a few quests and so forth. My level going into the final battle was 14. Most battles were easy, a couple were really tough. The final took a couple of tries due to not knowing what I was facing.

My powergaming party was level 12 before the final battle and levels 19(deep gnomes)-20(drow) in that battle.

I imagine that dragon's eye would be possible with level 11-12 spell casters. I wouldn't want to try it at a much lower level.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:41 pm
by vorpal_rabbit
I got through the Holy Avenger quest with this party, thanks to the advice in the walkthrough. What an amazing load of experience: 4950 for each Follower, plus another 5850 for completing the quest - better than 35,000 EXP! I have this pegged as one of the most difficult battles I'll face before the end. I wonder if I can complete Normal mode without levelling this party. We'll see...