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New mod: Suran Expanded

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:09 am
by fable
This one looks pretty good. Here's the description of what it adds:

- A luxury hotel with three bedrooms (balcony views and canopy beds!) and two enormous suites

- A hotel restaurant

- A taverna with outdoor seating

- An Olde-Worlde tea shop

- A souvenir shop

- An unusual villa with a pool and an incredible view of Bal Ur

- A number of private NPC residences

- Two new books - a brochure and a recipe book

There is also a "treasure hunt" in which to gather some fun - but not overpowering - treasure (levelled list weapons, armour, scrolls etc)

Finally, there is an "Easter egg" feature - The Cool Room. The Cool Room is a fantasy house mod - a building constructed entirely from a glass and located o*n an idyllic desert island. It is tastefully and minimally decorated for the ultimate experience in relaxation. Your o*nly problem is finding the way in...

Two important notes:

1. The terrain is very steep in places. Normal walking is impossible. However, staff at The Almyra and The Toasted Marshmerrow will be pleased to sell you rising force potions.

2. Many of the residents of this part of Suran do not speak many words in the common tongue. Those in search of conversation or more detailed information should head for the central part of the city. (In other words, everyone except Am-Ru has been nolored. There are a few new lines of dialogue where absolutely necessary - but face it - the last time you travelled to a new place, did you have long conversations with the locals? I just about managed 'kalimera' and 'efharisto'...)

Here's the link to the download.