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Vogga the Hutt's back room?
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:47 pm
by justabeginner
I accepted Vogga's quest to get Goto before trying to break into his back room. As a result now I can't get in, he just keeps on saying "I don't see Goto" when I try speaking to him. This is even after I completed the Goto yacht level.
Can someone tell me what items he had in his back room so I can just add them with my editor? If possible, what XP do you get for breaking into his back room?
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:04 am
by Ergophobia
That doesn't really matter, as long as you didn't do the dancer quest before going to Goto's yacht. The items in there are completely random, except either a lightsaber or a part of it (to create your own).
If you haven't done the dancer thing yet, you can still get in there.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:39 am
by justabeginner
Hi, thanks for the reply. I found the problem, I had to talk to the Twi'lek Domo. I thought that just overhearing those guys talking about distracting Vogga and putting his Kath hounds to sleep with Juma juice was enough to trigger the quest.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:09 am
by stormcloud
additionally, after u do the domo/vogga dance, the door to the docks open and you can return any time thereafter.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:16 pm
by Bloem
if i overhear these guys in the cantina they only say something about goto and vogga but nothing about jama juice en kath hounds??

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:46 pm
by Superdude
The "juma juice" conversation is done by two thugs in the Nar Shadaa flophouses. The same screen as Vogga's lair. When you first go in (this is where the Bith asks you to deliver the money to the courier, and where Lasavvou, and all that), it's the first door on the left. You need to be stealthed in order to hear it, though. Then go back to the cantina and buy the juma juice from the bartender (the cantina, NOT JekkJekk Tar).
Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:46 am
by w666tvr
[QUOTE=Bloem]if i overhear these guys in the cantina they only say something about goto and vogga but nothing about jama juice en kath hounds??

Yup, overhearing that conversation in the cantina leads to the Vogga the Hut quest - and the ultimate resolution of the Fuel for Telos quest.
Overhearing the
other conversation in the flop house leads to the Vogga's Hoard quest - and a lightsaber/lightsaber part amongst other, random, items.
There are sequencing issues with these quests, however.
If you talk to Vogga about Goto before dancing for him - when you come back from Goto's yacht - you need to repeat this conversation after waking him before he will acknowledge that Goto is finished.
If you do it the other way around - dance before talk - then you can't enter convo with the thug on the door. Although you can enter, wake Vogga and talk to him about Goto, the Vogga the Hut quest stays unresolved in your journal till the end of the game (you also miss out on a whole 50 XP
