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I need better weapons
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:32 pm
by cheezmouse
Im on xbox and I need better weapons
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:09 pm
by fable
No offense, but you need a better gaming system. By that a mean one that allows the regular exchange of information with the Web; and the ability to apply such mods as you care to download to your game, without loss of speed during gameplay. At the moment, by default, that's the PC, but matters may change in the future.
If anybody can offer other options, feel free to contribute. Any spam, or efforts to create yet-another Xbox vs PC debate, will be deleted, and the thread closed.
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:44 pm
by cheezmouse
My computer is to old and slow
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:49 pm
by fable
Consider getting parts of it replaced. I had a 1.3 gHz CPU with 256 MB RAM until about a year ago. Then a got a repair shop to put in a 3 gHz CPU with 1 GB RAM. It's all very inexpensive right now.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:48 am
by jopperm2
fable is partly right here. THe PC does allow a lot more in the way of armaments. xBox does allow downloads, but only on xbox live games which MW is not.
Morrowind does, however, have a multitude of extremely powerful weapons that allow any character to kill anything. What type of weapon are you looking for and what level and class are you.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:52 am
by cheezmouse
Im a custom class and i would like Longblade or axe.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:15 pm
by jopperm2
What level are you? guilds?
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:12 pm
by cheezmouse
im Lv. 13, im in the fighters, Mages,and thevies Guild.And the Blades.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:47 pm
by nahul
I think a good choice for you right now would be the sword of white woe. It is in a guard tower in Balmore i believe, just do a search of the forums for it and you will find it, i think there are 2 locations for it, but the one in Balmora is right there and easy to get. It is a real good weapon for your level, it's a one handed longsword, and also not soo powerful that it will completely disrupt game play and fun. Check that one out, or enchant a weapon yourself, or have an enchanter do it.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:00 pm
by jopperm2
IIRC that's a cursed weapon, I wouldn't even touch it. I would suggest glass. See if you can find some of that, then have Galbedir enchant it for you.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:20 pm
by cheezmouse
I have just found a glass claymore today that I could enchant.
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:54 pm
by dragon wench
Or you could start heading into the Daedric ruins... if you are a high enough level you'll fight Daedric lords who will be carrying some very nice weapons
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:31 pm
by fable
A good deadric claymore would be best. But yes, they're tough to acquire, at least at such a low level. A real challenge.
Thing is, even if you don't get it enchanted, that daedric claymore will pack enough of a wallop to kill a lot of things with plenty of good, quick hits. Add on a nice strength factor and good agility, and you could just beat someone to death with it.
Add 40 points of fire damage (or better yet, Absorb Health), and you've got something a monster would be embarassed to stay alive around.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:20 pm
by Greg.
[QUOTE=fable]A good deadric claymore would be best.[/QUOTE]
Daedric Daikatana - there is one in a mine - no-one is carrying it. Its better than claymore.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:32 pm
by jopperm2
Which mine is it? I don't use dadric, so I don't have a clue.