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ming done
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:23 pm
by irene
i had to spread the word as i AM one happy killer....I FINALLY after no less then wks killed her.found a way i havent seen on posts yet maybe my own talent.yayayaya feel free to ask she is a real female dog with puppies ha
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:38 pm
by Coronatus
Grats on your success!
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:57 pm
by shana
So, how did you do it? I used the flamethrower--love that thing!--and she and her big baby were done after 2 cans of burninator!
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:54 pm
by irene
ming done how
acc i only had one can of flamethrower stuff. i hacked off her arms then attacted her offspring with flamethrower when out,got mad and started slicing away at kids with long knife they do die quickly but then comes more almost at once...she was kinda helpless with no arms saved twice in fight neat
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:51 pm
by jmima
How do we kill her? Have been hacking at Ming but her acid breath always gets me before I get a chance to hack them all off! I've tried runnning away from her but her arms pack one hellava punch... what's the trick? By helping me, you will have the satisfaction of knowing Ming's getting panned across the world.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:55 pm
by Faust
How do we kill her? Have been hacking at Ming but her acid breath always gets me before I get a chance to hack them all off! I've tried runnning away from her but her arms pack one hellava punch... what's the trick? By helping me, you will have the satisfaction of knowing Ming's getting panned across the world.[/QUOTE]
There's a lot of threads discussing strategies. Here's one you might want to check out - ... hp?t=57302
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:27 am
by Shellhead
After my fiery victory over the leader of the local Sabbat, I knew that I wanted to as much fuel as possible for that flamethrower. Unfortunately, the game would only allow me only one canister of fuel at a time, and I soon discovered that I couldn’t get a new even if my existing canister was less than full. This led to an incident where I was discharging the rest of my flamethrower in a seemingly deserted alleyway, only to have some wino freak out and call the police.
So, I only had one flamethrower canister to use in the entire Ming Must Die mission. I’m proud to say that I got through almost that whole thing without getting killed, only getting online advice when I was stuck on the jade statues. It turned out that a bug was preventing me from placing the fourth statue until I saved and restored.
Then I got to Ming. She killed me many times before I finally defeated her. Initially, I was running up and blasting her with the flamethrower, but that only seemed to injure her… maybe put her at 60% on that damage track. And even with Fortitude 5, she was hurting me a lot with those tentacle swipes.
So I kept trying different tactics. I have a high melee score, plus that awesome magic katana, so I went all ginsu on Ming. With her shifty combat style, I kept knocking one or two tentacles off, leaving me with a couple of young’uns to fight as well. And Ming still hits hard even when she’s missing some tentacles. Claws had a similar result, and weren’t as damaging. I tried guns, but they weren’t doing enough damage quickly enough. But I did notice that Ming seemed to keep her head down while I was shooting at her. Then again, nobody wants to get shot in the face. I did have one promising battle where I started to get the timing of her tentacle swipes down, and was able to sometimes leap over her attack and then smite her on the head with the katana. But the timing was very tricky and I wasn’t doing enough damage quickly enough.
Finally, I found an approach that worked. I go into a crouch while equipping the flamethrower and sneak up in front of her. You would think that wouldn’t work, what with all of her eyes, but she seems to be fairly nearsighted. So, get real close and blast her in the face with the flamethrower. Empty it out, and then back away quickly while still crouching, and switch to the Jaegerspas assault shotgun. Back into one of those niches along the walls, and start shooting her in the head. Note the timing of her swaying, and keep holding your shot until you get a headshot. Keep shooting her in the head. She doesn’t fight back, just sways around and slowly takes damage from the steady gunfire. I had a fully loaded Jaegerspas, and I was down to 54 shots left when I finally killed her.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:02 pm
by jmima
Thank you, thank you, thank you! After going nuts over the last few days trying to kill Ming, finally finished her off tonight. Flame-throwered her face as advised by Shellhead then stayed crouched under her and fired every gun/riffle etc I had at her. More through luck than skill, I managed to back her into an alcove bit and she couldn't get her tentacles round to hit me. I can finally start getting some sleep again!
By the way, both gas canisters were empty but after I bought one, the computer said the ammo was full... Any ideas round this one? Think I might need them for the Sherriff...
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:01 am
by yrthwyndandfyre
Spray and Pray
I found a solution to Ming that is perhaps unconventional, but effective. The Braddock 9mm 'Spray and Pray' machine pistol. Most people have probably discarded it by this time in favor of more effective weapons, but I keep it around for it's 'grazing' potential. Gunfire that's not actually intended to hit anything, but is meant to keep everybody's head down. I keep it around as a means of buying a few moments when I need them. Once, _en extremis_, I yanked it out (it was the only ranged weapon left with ammo), and cut loose - to buy some time. Each shot only does about 4 points of damage, but you can put 300 rounds into Ming in an amazingly short time. That's 1200 points of damage. It's an effective means of slapping Ming's warform down hard so that your other weapons and skills are more effective finishing her off. It's not like you'd be using that weapon in the Tower anyway. Be fairly warned, though - the thing kicks like a mule, so bursts are the order of the day. About five shots at a time.