For some reason, when I'm in the Mind Flayer's lair and battling the Master Brain, I see a message that the slave leader has died and I lose 8 reputation points, although the slave leader is nowhere around.
I sent a character after the fact to the main entrance/exit, and I found a dead body on the ground near all the slaves, so I assume that was him.
Since I reloaded my battle several times (thinking a stray worrid wilting got him), have I missed something really simple, or am I going to have to send one of my characters over to the exit on the next try to see what may be up?
Yes, I believe you should make sure there are no Mind Flayers waiting there. If there are none, when you go in for the fight, shut the door behind you.
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
I figured it out - when I first entered, I must have laid a trap or something, so after the Brain was killed, the slaves entered that area and the leader was killed.
I started the level over again and everything is fine. Phew!