how am i doing... spoilers
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:54 pm
Well This is the first time I've gotten this far so I thought I'd give you vets a progress report and see about getting any pointers. Let's see, storywise I've done all the jobs for sugarlips and I just took my first job as a blade. I've also cleaned out the smugglers, two or three ancestral tombs, and one other hole in the ground, taken the slave from Hla Oad to Ebonheart(followers are dumb), escorted the pilgrim to the fields of khumuu(sp?), found the tax collector in the beginning, did the whole love letter nonsense, and took care of the Nord for the legionaire guy(waiting till I'm better at combat for the bloodbath). I think that's about it as far as quests go. Oh and not once have I had a bounty on my head. Now for the info:
Thief(slightly modified... swapped hand-to-hand for unarmoured)
level 6
Sign: Atronach
Thief: Operative
Blade: Novice
Health: 50
Magicka: 132
Fatigue: 173
Encumbrance: 230
Str: 46
Int: 44
WP: 30
Agi: 67
Spd: 60
End: 30
Per: 46
Luck: 40
Security: 44
Sneak: 51
Acrobatics: 53
Light Armour: 43
Short Blade: 51
Marksman: 21
Speechcraft: 23
Unarmoured: 19
Mercantile: 24
Athletics: 27
So what do y'all think? How am I doin so far? Thanks.
Thief(slightly modified... swapped hand-to-hand for unarmoured)
level 6
Sign: Atronach
Thief: Operative
Blade: Novice
Health: 50
Magicka: 132
Fatigue: 173
Encumbrance: 230
Str: 46
Int: 44
WP: 30
Agi: 67
Spd: 60
End: 30
Per: 46
Luck: 40
Security: 44
Sneak: 51
Acrobatics: 53
Light Armour: 43
Short Blade: 51
Marksman: 21
Speechcraft: 23
Unarmoured: 19
Mercantile: 24
Athletics: 27
So what do y'all think? How am I doin so far? Thanks.