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Lawful evil in hell

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:57 am
by ElSapo
I'm a Lawful evil Sorcerer in the test of pride,fear and greed what path should i choose?
I have killed the dragon, the Djinni and the Elder Orbs(rejected the cloak) i get 200000xp, 15 pts of hp (or should i give the sword)and i'm imune to +1 weapon (but i think the 2 pts of constitution are far from better).Any sugestion?(i have the xp cap remover)
I couldn't find Jaheira anywhere!I free her from the Irenicus prison, but didn't find her...(she should be in the docks ... i really want the Ring of Wizardry)


Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:04 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=ElSapo]I'm a Lawful evil Sorcerer in the test of pride,fear and greed what path should i choose?
I have killed the dragon, the Djinni and the Elder Orbs(rejected the cloak) i get 200000xp, 15 pts of hp (or should i give the sword)and i'm imune to +1 weapon (but i think the 2 pts of constitution are far from better).Any sugestion?(i have the xp cap remover)
I couldn't find Jaheira anywhere!I free her from the Irenicus prison, but didn't find her...(she should be in the docks ... i really want the Ring of Wizardry)


Ultimately, the choices you can make seem to be relatively neatly divided between good and evil, without much of the nuance one would like for lawful and chaotic. Gamebanshee has a nice summary of thetests.

Likewise this site has a nice summary of the rewards. From a role playing angle, it would probably make the most sense to follow the evil path on most tests.

As for Jaheira, she should be waiting for you in front of the Harper Strong Hold in the Docks District. It's point number 8 on the Gamebanshee Map.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:38 am
by Arch_Angel
This question has come up a few times before, many of the members here don't like the way the hell tests were organised. I certainly didn't. Especially if you're playing a neutral character, you have to do all the quests the "good" way just to hold your alignment. Rather silly :mad: Even if you do just one of the tests the "evil" way you're labled neutral evil for good after that.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:20 am
by lompo
There is a mod that let you take neutral path and that want change your actual alignement if you don't stay too much away from the natural your natural path.

As for Jaheira question, if you are already in hell you don't have any more chance to go back, so you can't pick up her.

You can pick her up in ToB, but her quest is gone.