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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:49 pm
by irene
i am now playing vampire bloodlines great game however i know im doing it backwards didnt know about redemption. can i get a rating on it worth buying love single shooter game have hundreds. really interested in vampire games now how are the graphics have a FAST comp. thanks

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:09 pm
by Aegis
Troika actually took the Vampire games in a different direction by making it an FPS. Redemption is actually a 3rd person perspective. It was quite well done, all things considered. Not much in the way of replayability (the online feature tanked, quite frankly), but the story is pretty decent.
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:31 am
by Faust
Well Bloodlines isn't really a sequal to Redemption. Redemption is, really, a totally different type of game. It's a 3rd person perspective Action RPG, basically.
Still it has strong points. Keeping in mind the game is now five years old, the graphics are fairly good and the voice acting is very well done. I enjoyed the story, which is memorable and humerous in places. The game begins in the Dark Ages and expands into modern nights. You explore Medieval Prague, Medieval Vienna, and Modern London, and Modern New York. The cities are not as detailed as Bloodline's L.A. Still, the graphics and music bring them each a certain unique life. The NPCs you do encounter (which are far too low in number) are very memorable and interesting, as well.
The limitations of the game relate to the fact that its about as linear as a game gets. There are no side quests, and not too many choices to be made in the game (there are a few, but they are not wholly consequential on the development of the central story, though they do influence the ending).
As Aegis said, it is 3rd person perspective and it includes party play. It does make creative and entertaining use of weapons, magic items, and disciplines (its use of disciplines is even more expansive than Bloodlines). Quite frankly, it's not as good of a game as Bloodlines. However, even several years after release, its still entertaining and well worth the meager investment it surely is these days. So, once you finish Bloodlines you might give it a whirl, if you want to stay grounded in the White Wolf Vampire material a while longer.
There were some people who made fine use of the multiplayer tools that were part of Redemption. However, it seems to largely be a dead area these days in the wake of better mod-friendly games like NWN. The tools were not horrible, but never quite user-friendly enough to perform the function they seem to be intended for.
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:18 am
by Legend
Not going to waste a lot of words on it.
1- it's a good game
2- It's in the bargainbins these days
What more can you ask for ?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:59 am
by Raa
I like Redemption for its great storyline and 3rd person / group style of play. Despite of its age and some drawbacks (like the linearity), i still couldn't tell I like Bloodlines more! And I've played it several times and just replaying it now, because although the story is linear, it is enthralling and I perceive it as rereading favorite book. I just wish some dungeons were shorter

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:54 pm
by vesselle
oh man! i'm replaying it and am in nyc. i don't want it to end, so i've been drawing it out as long as i can.
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:16 am
by Raa
Don't get me wrong - I've played it many times and I would love being able to play it forever too
What I meant is I would prefer that it had more dungeons, but shorter - for example, many dungeons are 4 levels deep - it would be nice to play 2 dungeons of 2 levels each in that time. Simply for the sake of variety.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:10 am
by Acleacius
It was an incredible and amazing accomplishment especally for a 2000 game, using a mostly reworked quake 1 engine, with some quake 2 tech if I recall.
An evecellent story with very good voice acting, some complained about too much medieval dialect, but I found it very very entertaining and spot on.
I cant recall ever playing a hero over the span of 800 years before or since, its just quite remarkable.
The music alone is worth the purchase price what ever it is, you cant go wrong imo.
You must find and install the patch to make the game really enjoyable, it had problems at release and was rushed out to early then abandoned by activision just like Bloodlines.
There has never been another game that came so close to duplicating the pnp version of the vampire world as there work on multiplayer.
These guys at Nilihilistic even believed in this game so much they even work to get some form of SKD out on there own time without getting paid by activision.
I cant think of another developer whom has done that, even now especially with a properity not there own.
You may think I am joking but i am not when I say, I grieve at the loss of Nilistisitc to console games, these guys were one in a million.
This is just a short list of my thoughts about Redemptions