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Lord Jierdan Bug ???

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:43 am
by ronin69hof
Hello, I have almost completed the Firkraag quest except for killing the dragon. I have rescued the boy and killed the wizard and talked to Jierdan and then went and talked to Garren and all that. The problem is when I go back to fight the dragon all i get is Lord Jierdan in human form still standing there. If I initiate conversation I can only leave or make him fight me. If I fight him he attacks my spellcaster and takes her down to 1 hp but never kills her and he doesnt attack anyone else. All my other characters can attack all day long and do damage to him but he just stays at "near death". I have allowed my party to attack him for 2 hours normal time doing thousands of points of damage. I would really like to kill the dragon to get the goodies.

Can anyone help me

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:58 am
by The Chosen One
My advice: reatart the quest, from it's very beging.
After you had freed Garrens child, DO NOT leave the dragon and slay him. After that you may talk with Garren. You get your goodies and XP. :D

Good luck on your journy, The Chosen One

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:17 am
by fable
Shouldn't necessarily have to hit the start of the quest, again, not if the problem lies in code which loads right before you visit the dragon. Try going back to the room before you take the stairs to the dragon. If that doesn't work, I would suggest taking saved game made right before visiting the dragon, moving it, then uninstalling, reinstalling, and moving the saved game back into the appropriate directory.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:49 am
by ronin69hof
Thanks for the quick replies. I have tried going back to the room right before going down the stairs, I even went back to the slums and slept them went back to the dragons lair and it still dont work. I will try to save the game and copy it someplace else so I can uninstall and reinstall the game. I was just hoping that there was a simple solution because uninstalling and reinstalling takes quite awhile. I am still open to suggestions if anyone has anymore.

thanks again