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Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2001 9:06 pm
by Duncan
This message is to tell you about an important Yahoo group.

This Yahoo group is dedicated to making, using and improving AI scripts for the games Baldur's gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, IceWind Dale, Heart of Winter, Trials of the Luremaster, Baldur's gate II, Throne of Baal, Planscape Torment and Neverwinter Knights.   

This Yahoo group has been joined by John Winski a designer from Bioware to answer your scripting questions.  

I would like for you to join my Yahoo group as you can benefit from the scripts made there and/or learn about scripting.

We have many files to download and use or learn from including scriptcompilers for the games Planescape Torment and improved versions of the compilers for Heart of Winter, Baldur's Gate I and Throne of Bhaal that will allow you to script many things you could not with the original compilers and are state of the art compilers.

Also if you have a web site you could add a link in our Bookmarks section to your web site to promote your web site.  

Our bookmarks section is loaded with very useful links for scripters and players of these games.

I would consider it a personal favor if you would add a link to my site if you have a web site for that.

If you prefer you can add a button as a link that is found on the main page of the site under the link Promote or you could add a text link either way your effort to help this new group is greatly appreciated.

Yahoo! Groups : InfinityScripters

Also I have formed a scripting web ring and if you have a web site I would be glad if you joined it.

AI Scripting Ring For Infinity Engine Games

Thank you for you consideration and time


Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 4:50 am
by Manveru
Ok, for all scripters or possible scripters here :

Please disregard what has been written by Mr. Prilla because if you will answer to his "scripting " group.........

you will propably have to change your email because of the huge amount of SPAM that will propably appear there.........

It is only a good advice..... since his "achievements" are well known along the other customization / scripting forums

If you really want to script I suggest visiting BWScripts or TeamBG... there are BioWare developers that would help you if you have problems as well as a lot of other people..........

Just a good advice.......

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 11:46 am
by Craig
I used to be in their they have something called no i don't want any emails thankyou