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Stupid bards wtf

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2001 1:08 am
by JimmiePop
does anyone have any good ways of effectively using their bard in combat? i mean i have a bard for a main character and i used it all throughout SoA and i still can't really figure out what i should do with him. His damn THACO doesn't let him us any sort of swords effectively and i feel like sticking him with a bow is a waste of time. spell casting? bah, semi usefull. Bard song? WTF i dunno, the only way that ever seems to work is if i turn off his AI script and have him sit there doing nothing but bard songing, not good. bards are a pretty killer class but it just annoys me to no ends that the THACO sucks so hard. Any advice or whatever?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2001 1:46 am
by MegaToerist
What kit do you have?

One thing that works, is letting your Bard cast spells during his song (it works because the song's effects don't end as soon as you stop singing). If you want to go into melee, there's always Tenser's Transformation to help you out.

TC, Geert

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2001 3:53 am
by Astafas
I've played bards a lot. I often use them in fights as I would a fighter and have no problem with their THAC0. Your opinion makes me believe that you've overlooked something basic. Of course, the THAC0 is not as good as that of a fighter (except when on Tenser's where it's actually much better) but neither is the THAC0 of any other class.

1) Lower the THAC0 with girldes of strenghts and very good weapons. Make sure to have a high dex and use the bracers found in the troll mound during the druid quest when using distance weapons. Using Tancheron's and Gesen Bow is not a waste of time.

2) Lower the AC by using Melodic Chain, Cloak of the Sewers, Ring of Gaxx and other items. Single weapon style can be used to if you wish.

3) Learn to use the spells properly. Stoneskin, Mirror Image, Improved Invisibilty, Haste and, of course, Tenser's are crucial. Also use offensive spells - these kill as often as a sword. Spells where the effects depends on the level of the caster, such as Skull Trap, are extra efficient as the bard is one or a few levels higher than a mage with the same XPs.