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Need advice--other good RPG's?
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 6:47 pm
by VoodooDali
Since it looks like it's gonna be a while before ToB comes out, I was thinking about buying another RPG. Any suggestions? BG is really the only RPG I ever played, and now I'm hooked. Before that I was really into RTS games like AoE and Starcraft. I tried IWD, but found it a bit too linear for my taste (BG2 really spoiled me). What do you guys think about Final Fantasy, Ultima, Might & Magic or Fallout? Thanks in advance.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 8:38 pm
by humanflyz
have you tried Morrowind? If you like hack-n-slash more than story, maybe you should go for Diablo 2 or something. Final Fantasy is great. I recommend it.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 9:15 pm
by Rapper
bg2 really spoiled me too... i tried to get into diablo 2 to kill time before ToB comes out but i just didn't like it... if you wanna try something and it would be really cheap since it been a couple years since it was released, try heroes of might and magic 3... its the third enstalment in the series and well it had me hooked bad for like 3 weeks sophmore year in college so you might wanna check it out. The fighting style comes from an old sega genesis game call kings bounty which was hands down the best game i ever played for many years and 3do did a good job bring it up to date... its not the same quality as bg2 really what is !!!!!
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 9:39 pm
by fable
Morrowind isn't out yet--look for it towards the end of the year.
At the moment, until ToB comes out, your best bet maybe Evil Islands, or King of Dragon Pass. Neither is anything like BG2, but they're certainly worth more than a glance.
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 9:57 pm
by Metatron
I know this suggestion is way out there and all, but have you tried any of the other Black Isle games like "Planescape: Torment" and "Icewind Dale"?
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2001 11:36 pm
by Peter Parker
Well besides BG series, my all time favorite was Lands of Lore series. Try lol3.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 6:21 am
by VoodooDali
Thanks for the suggestions...I already played Planescape, and I have IWD, but was bored with it--it's too much waves of enemies, no real story--not that I'm criticizing, since that's what they set out to do with IWD. You know, it's funny, until last year, I mainly played RTS and I never thought I would like a RPG--but people kept telling me to check out BG2, and now nothing else seems to measure up! Sounds like some other companies are trying to make BG quality RPG's, but they aren't released yet either!!!
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 7:08 am
by Astafas
IWD demands a bit more of the player roleplayingwise than BG2. There is no interaction between NPCs, a much less sophisticated story line and so on.
You should work a lot with your PCs before starting in order to make them fun to play with:
Be original - Why not create a Halfling Paladin, for example. I named mine Morgan the Small One (odd names make the game a lot funnier). Of course, he used the most heavy twohanded sword he could find. Or why not a Dwarven Druid (Have you ever read the Canticle Quintet by R A Salvatore - Pikel Bouldershoulder rocks!
)? Pick races and classes you like, and not necessarily the "best" ones. Choose portraits you find interesting. Change avatars if you feel like it. Then write interesting backgrounds. My Dwarven Druid actually wanted to become a Cleric, then met with a Unicorn and had one of those visions and... Make some of the PCs know eachother beforehand. Why not throw in a few romances as well? Don't max the PCs out too much; try to get normal rolls so that every PC has disadvantages as well as advantages.
If you want RPG with IWD, you simply have to make it RPG. Getting above the usual hack'n'slash is really awarding.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 7:25 am
by Mr Sleep
Tyr one of the thief series if you like LOL or anything of that ilk.
Also you can try Silver, more hack and slash, but you have a lot of involvment in how you Hack and slash.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 8:34 am
by aVENGER2k
@VoodooDali :
If you haven't already played it,be sure to check BG1,it's really a great classic.The Fallout series is also a blast,definitively worth at least trying out.I didn't bother to play "Fallout:Tactics" though so I don't know much about that one,but Falllout 1 & 2 really rule
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 9:12 am
by ki-master
fallout1,2 bg1, planescape torment,icewinddale,finalfantasy9,mightandmagic 7 etc. are good rpgs.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 10:21 am
by fable
I just noticed that King of Dragon Pass has a page up at [url=""][/url] Definitely worth a look, although (IMO) the screens are nowhere near revealing the sweetness of this game. And the ruling council that works under you does resemble BG2's party NPCs in their individuality--plus, they change from game to game.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 11:05 am
by Aerith
Lands of Lore, the first one was the best. What a kickass game. By far one of the best rpgs i've ever played. The other ones i did not like.
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2001 2:13 pm
by ki-master
lol 1was cool but I also liked lol3 because of the familier/class system.It was really fun to play.
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2001 1:25 am
by Edwin
it's not a RPG in all aspects......but i loved Deus Ex. A lot of action and you gain exp. points when finishing missions and also how you complete them is important.....REALLY good