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Romances for female characters
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:51 am
by kams
I am just curious if there are any. Never played female character to find out.
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:59 am
by Faust
The only official one is Anomen. There are several mods, including Kelsey and Soulafein, which provide alternatives for female players.
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:36 am
by kams
Can you pls give a link where I can find these mods?
I have read a lot of posts in this forum about romances mods for male and female character, and now I am desperate to see them.
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:06 am
by Squee
check the sticky "well-balanced mods"
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:56 am
by kams
Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:14 am
by Faust
Can you pls give a link where I can find these mods?
I have read a lot of posts in this forum about romances mods for male and female character, and now I am desperate to see them.[/QUOTE]
Pocket Plane Planet has a fairly large list of mods. You might download the Flirt Packs, as well. They enrich the standard BG romances. The most popular NPC romance mods for female PCs seem to be Kelsey and Solaufein. I'm sure many others have favorites, though. I've generally played male PCs and not tried those romances, but Kelsey is a really well done NPC.