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NPC Selection

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:28 pm
by Reanimated
Hi i'm plyin thru bg2 for my 1st time and atm ive got Jaheria, Minsc, Yoshimo, Aerie, and Xan (just cus his selection sounds r so funny and i loved him in the first game + i needed another mage and i didn't want 2 put Edwin in cus apparently he makes Minsc leave). I'm playing as an archer and i'm really happy with my party atm except 4 yoshimo he's useless as a tank and i already have a gud archer (me :p ) so he's no use there either really. I want 2 put Keldorn in cus apparently he is a really strong melee character but i need thief skills and i don't want 2 lose Minsc 1 cus his dialogue is worth the price of the game alone lol and 2 becuase ive heard he has some gud interactions with Keldorn, so i don't really kno wat 2 do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:15 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Reanimated]Hi i'm plyin thru bg2 for my 1st time and atm ive got Jaheria, Minsc, Yoshimo, Aerie, and Xan (just cus his selection sounds r so funny and i loved him in the first game + i needed another mage and i didn't want 2 put Edwin in cus apparently he makes Minsc leave). I'm playing as an archer and i'm really happy with my party atm except 4 yoshimo he's useless as a tank and i already have a gud archer (me :p ) so he's no use there either really. I want 2 put Keldorn in cus apparently he is a really strong melee character but i need thief skills and i don't want 2 lose Minsc 1 cus his dialogue is worth the price of the game alone lol and 2 becuase ive heard he has some gud interactions with Keldorn, so i don't really kno wat 2 do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hi! We've played BG2 a lot... but I havent seen Xan... dont you mean Jan Jansen? Xan is from BG1, unless you modded your game.


You'll need a good thief. you may keep Yoshimo, he's a very good thief, and rather good at melee, but really, his business is with the bow. Dont use him as a tank and you'll be fine. Now, if you want Keldorn, exchange him for Jaheira. Less complaning, better action, IMO. And, to make it happen, if you want another hack and slash person ahead, try Valygar or Mazzy Fentan.

And please, try using less l337 speech. Its pretty hard to understand, and seems unpolite to use a non universal code to expose your ideas.

- Edit: Even though I'm not into the staff, welcome to the forums. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:32 pm
by Reanimated
Sorry i didn't realise i was using excessive amounts of slang lol for that i apologise. Yer i did mod my game to put Xan in, like i said mainly did it because i didn't want Minsc to kill Edwin who would of been my main spellcaster lol, probably should not of done it, missing out on dialogue etc but he is bloody funny you have to admit. Yer that's what i thought problem is i'm romancing jaheria so that option is definately viable but i'd rather find another 1 basically i need another character more capable with melee and i don't really want 2 get rid of anybody other than Yoshimo but like i said i need the thief skills so yer any other ideas would be appreciated.

On the Valygar suggestion is he quite a bit more capable with a sword than yoshimo then?

O and thanks for the welcome dude :)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:43 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Reanimated]Sorry i didn't realise i was using excessive amounts of slang lol for that i apologise. Yer i did mod my game to put Xan in, like i said mainly did it because i didn't want Minsc to kill Edwin who would of been my main spellcaster lol, probably should not of done it, missing out on dialogue etc but he is bloody funny you have to admit. Yer that's what i thought problem is i'm romancing jaheria so that option is definately viable but i'd rather find another 1 basically i need another character more capable with melee and i don't really want 2 get rid of anybody other than Yoshimo but like i said i need the thief skills so yer any other ideas would be appreciated.

On the Valygar suggestion is he quite a bit more capable with a sword than yoshimo then?

O and thanks for the welcome dude :) [/QUOTE]

Well, its not a matter of how much slang you add to the conversation, but these forums usually keep the l337 low or unexistant. Hey, feel free to get around SYM and spam a bit with us.

Now... Valygar is a ranger. He is a very good katana fighter. If you want to replace Yoshimo with Valygar Corthala for tanking you'll be just fine! But you lose the thieving habilities. So, if you want to run around risking to sprung traps and die, ok... otherwise, I recomend you picking up Jan Jansen (he is very funny too, a good spellcaster full of banters) who is a thief-ilusionist.

Yeah, Xan was my favourite BG spellcaster. He always seemed quicker to cast than Edwin for me, and his "our quest is vaaain" sounds are really funny :D And if your reason to have him is exclusively because Minsc will whack Edwin somewhere in the game, have Jan Jansen. You wont regret.

How's your weapon selection for Xan? Is he wielding his old and rusty moonblade or have you added him some stuff you found?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:43 pm
by JackOfClubs
Keep Yoshi, at least for your first game. He isn't so bad and his traps and thieving skills more than make up for his combat deficiencies. Having two archers in a party is not bad. All you really need is a single tank and if you find yourself in need of more, have Aerie or Jaheira summon some critters.

I don't want to spoil anything, but there are reasons why you should keep him until at least the middle of the game.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:56 pm
by Reanimated
Ok cool thanks for the quick responces guys really appreciated. Yep he's still using that moonblade :) ive got a lot of spare gold atm so i may find him a cool staff or something from a merchant at trademeet or possibly the adventurer's mart. Lol! I just love that line he really is hilarious if only he was a proper NPC in bg2, o well *sigh*. Ahhh i assume good old Yoshi has somet 2 do with the story later on well i do love a deep involving story line so i won't remove him if it takes away from the it. Maybe i'll find him a nice +3 short bow and see how that works out. It's not as if my party is getting destroyed all the time, quite the opposite actually but he is the character that dies the most and i had really targeted him as the main weakness in my party. Well anyway i'll have a mess about with a few of your suggestions. I'm goin 2 bed now i live in England and it is now 3am lol so bedtime i think.

Thanks guys

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:09 pm
by SP101
If you want a good bow for Yoshimo, Tuigan Bow + 1 (From the Copper Coronet) is a pretty good one... 3 attacks a round, instead of 1, that's amaazing.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:05 am
by Edar Macilrille
Yes, and keep him for his part in the great scheme of things.
His backstabbing and trapbuilding skills are also quite handy.
I often have him sneaking ahead as a scout, spotting things and if they are not too dangerous, backstabbing them, if dangerous, getting out of sight and building traps, then firing at them with a bow, or someone come up and fire an area effect spell that makes them attack and run into his traps. Utilised rightly, Yoshi is quite a boon to a party.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:29 am
by Reanimated
Ok guys you have convinced me lol i'll keep him. Ahh ive already got tht bow i think i'm not sure if ive even looked at the stats on tht yet. Yer i do use him for backstabbing, trap detection, and pick pocketing but i never really use him 4 traps i have 2 be honest so i shall give tht intresting lure technique a try. Thanks for all the advice i'm off 4 a game lol.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:38 pm
by krunchyfrogg
[QUOTE=Reanimated]Hi i'm plyin thru bg2 for my 1st time and atm ive got Jaheria, Minsc, Yoshimo, Aerie, and Xan (just cus his selection sounds r so funny and i loved him in the first game + i needed another mage and i didn't want 2 put Edwin in cus apparently he makes Minsc leave). I'm playing as an archer and i'm really happy with my party atm except 4 yoshimo he's useless as a tank and i already have a gud archer (me :p ) so he's no use there either really. I want 2 put Keldorn in cus apparently he is a really strong melee character but i need thief skills and i don't want 2 lose Minsc 1 cus his dialogue is worth the price of the game alone lol and 2 becuase ive heard he has some gud interactions with Keldorn, so i don't really kno wat 2 do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:32 pm
by Erenor
[QUOTE=Reanimated]Ok guys you have convinced me lol i'll keep him. Ahh ive already got tht bow i think i'm not sure if ive even looked at the stats on tht yet. Yer i do use him for backstabbing, trap detection, and pick pocketing but i never really use him 4 traps i have 2 be honest so i shall give tht intresting lure technique a try. Thanks for all the advice i'm off 4 a game lol.[/QUOTE]

Luring really works well with stronger enemies. They are much easier to take down when you can take them one at a time and they set off a few traps on the way to you to take of a few HP, or all of them! Good luck on your game!