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Making a new character
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:11 pm
by RenigadeRhino
im going to make a new character, so have been watching the forums of late.
a fighter-based character with marksman and longblade skills.
heavy and perhaps med armor skills??
just a few questions,
would i be right in joining the fighters guild? or is there a cooler one for people with big swords?
What have been the best major/minor skills you think have worked the best and have been most useful in the game.
would weapon skills go in minor as i'd be using them most?
With main attributes i was thinking along the lines of Strength or endurance, and Personality, ideas??
thnx for listening and any ideas would be great,
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:29 am
by oozae
[QUOTE=RenigadeRhino]would i be right in joining the fighters guild? or is there a cooler one for people with big swords?[/QUOTE]House Redoran.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:03 am
by arno_v
If you want to level up quickly you can make skills like acrobatics and unarmed and maybe some weapon skills minor. Because the will increase quickly and cause you to level up fast. I would also put a weapon skill to your major skills, because it's always good to have a type of weapon which you handle good enough to kill some nasty animals or humanoids.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:39 am
by Skuld
You can do Fighter's Guild AND House Redoran.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:20 am
by oozae
[QUOTE=Skuld]You can do Fighter's Guild AND House Redoran.[/QUOTE]I know, I said that House Redoran was better

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:00 pm
by RebelousDarkElf
Imperial Legion is the coolest, period.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:46 am
by giles337
Theres no point whatsoever taking two armour classes, as A) You'll only ever be wearing one type of armour at a time. B) Medium armour, take the WORST parts from light and heavy armour and combines them, so is obsolete as a skill. If you want major protection wear heavy. If you want potection, with out sacrificing too much encumberance, go for light.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:49 am
by RenigadeRhino
I think your wrong. Medium armour has a lot of use.
the best armor class in the game is with a 100medium armor and full Royal Guard Armor (from tribunal). also, medium armor weighs less than heavy, but has more ac than light, so basicly if u dont wana be a weak fighter (light armor), or cant carry a full heavy set, medium is the answer. IMO though.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:06 am
by fable
[QUOTE=RenigadeRhino]I think your wrong. Medium armour has a lot of use.
the best armor class in the game is with a 100medium armor and full Royal Guard Armor (from tribunal). [/QUOTE]
Not so. Royal Guard armor is about 90, Nordic mail (heavy) from Bloodmoon has a 110 rating, Her Hand armor (heavy) from Tribunal is about 120, Glass (light) is about 85, Ebony (heavy) is 100, Daedric (heavy) is 133.
Daedric, ebony and glass are generally recommended, the first two because they can hold a ton of enchantments. Glass is pretty decent at taking enchanting, too, and has the additional virtue of being extremely light. Royal Guard armor does not take enchantments well. I'd frankly rather learn light armor than medium, so I could have a much lighter suit of armor than Royal Guard, and one that can take CE or long-lasting user-activated magic spells. Not to say medium is bad; I just don't think it has quite the same value to offer. It was neglected in the basic game, and while Tribunal added decent value, I don't think they made it quite powerful enough to offset the advantages of heavy and light armor skills.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:43 pm
by RenigadeRhino

i read on a site somewhere that says royal guard armor has a 170 AC when used with a 100medium armor skill =\
but dont blame me, i havent even got a lvl 50armor skill before lol.
atm my character is using mostly dwemer and bonemold, its working ok..
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:32 pm
by fable
First off, watch the language. Please read the
forum rules. Even vulgar acronyms don't go, here. Our host is in the US, and things being the way they are, we don't want any complaints on a family-wide board. Okay?
All armors are better with a higher skill, but the skill is neutral for all armors. That means a medium armor skill of 70 is no better than a heavy armor or light armor skill of the same, in terms of how it affects the armor you're wearing.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:27 am
by RenigadeRhino
Sorry mister fable dude, didnt mean to offend or break any rules

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:18 am
by fable
Fair enough.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:29 am
by jopperm2
If you are making a strength based character, I would go heavy armor. I like the Her Hand's stuff because it's free. Lord's mail is good too. Otherwise the stuff fable mentioned is great. Light is good for stealthy types. Or another thing to think about is burden. I'm constantly being burdened by mages and thus encumbered. If I wore light armor that wouldn't happen as much.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:26 pm
by giles337
Aye. Light Armour has the dual benefit of being either able to heft around copious amounts of other items, or, if it turns your crank, just to have a very low encumbrance, and move faster/jump further.