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Remote vs GOTO

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:45 pm
by evil_flagpole
Ok, after GOTO joins my party, who never actually used, i go into the ebon hawk and i see a short movie of GOTO following Remote into the engine room. GOTO then destroys the little guy. Yet it is Ok when you go back to the Zabrak guy, whos' name has slipped my mind, Remote is ok again.

what is with that, did i miss something?

plus there is the whole thing between HK47 and T3 which i didn't understand. Maybe i never went in and out the ebo hawk enough times to see all the movies?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:56 pm
by qt 3.14159
Nope, you didn't miss anything. That's about all there is.


At the end there's a little clip where G0T0 says something about having changed the remote's programming... maybe it has to do with that?

Also, the HK-47 / T4 thing is just to keep you wondering where Revan went, I think.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:01 pm
by Darth Zenemij
[QUOTE=evil_flagpole]Ok, after GOTO joins my party, who never actually used, i go into the ebon hawk and i see a short movie of GOTO following Remote into the engine room. GOTO then destroys the little guy. Yet it is Ok when you go back to the Zabrak guy, whos' name has slipped my mind, Remote is ok again.

what is with that, did i miss something?

plus there is the whole thing between HK47 and T3 which i didn't understand. Maybe i never went in and out the ebo hawk enough times to see all the movies?[/QUOTE]
O.k,The GO-TO and remote thing is just kind of wierd,I wondered the same thing,But by the Zabrak guy do you mean the iradonian,Bao-Dur?And what do you mean by the whole thing between hk and t3?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:19 pm
by MightyIron
The goto remote thing is one of the many things cut from the final game they just left part of it in, but the hk t3 thing is weird, its where hk goes to the navicom and asks t3 why it is locked and then t3 electrocutes him but then hk is fine and you see nomore.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:20 pm
by evil_flagpole
I can't quiet remember, but there was a movie where Hk come to inspect what T3 is doing and finds T3 doing something it should, but T3 turnsaround and zaps him or something.

zabrak is the more correct name since there are two species from the same planet, and they can't both be called iradonians. well i think that is the case anyway. but yes i did mean Bao-Dur

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:23 pm
by evil_flagpole
ahh mighty iron got in before me

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:53 pm
by MightyIron
zabrak is the more correct name since there are two species from the same planet, and they can't both be called iradonians. well i think that is the case anyway. but yes i did mean Bao-Dur[/QUOTE]

They are both correct bao dur is a zabrak from the planet iradonia. goto calls him an iridonian throughout the game and some people call him a zabrak

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:21 pm
by Master Joliath
[QUOTE=MightyIron]They are both correct bao dur is a zabrak from the planet iradonia. goto calls him an iridonian throughout the game and some people call him a zabrak[/QUOTE]

P.S. Handmaiden calls him an iridonian to.