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*spoiler* Most natural world order.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:26 pm
by Agarax
I've played KOTOR through far too many times and thought I would post a question to the community.

What world order do you think is the most natural, where the quests and NPC interactions work out the best.

An obvious example is doing Korriban last because you wont have Bastila with you.

Right now I am thinking
1)Tatooine (male PC romance with Bastila makes more sense since I usually finished that right after world 2)
2) Kashyyk (Get a chance to use Jolee in the last two.)
3) Manaan (no real reason, its just more difficult than one and two)
4) Korriban (with Bastila being gone, and that you should have gotten the Dustil quest by now. Also the possible bug with getting the npc interaction that gets you the good weapons (dont remember the chars name off the top of my head))

Anyone else have anything on this?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:28 am
by chemicalNova
Thats the order I do them in. Basically, this is why I do that:

1) Tatooine: Good experience -- I believe -- for a developing character. Can start with some easy battles (mainly the 3 Dark Jedi, aren't really that hard after Dantooine). Then out in the Dune Sea, they get harder, but if you do win, the experience is worth it.
2) Kashyyk: Mostly because I like Jolee's balance. Also, by now you should have enough XP to take down most things with more than 60% of health left.
3) Manaan: When playing a Dark Side character, I do the Genohardian (?) quests for DS points. Since Bastilla isn't captured yet, she's usually nice to have along. Also, you aren't travelling to Korriban yet.
4) Korriban: I find it better to do this last, purely because of the final test. I've been to Korriban first on my first run through KOTOR, and found it excrusciatingly hard. Now, I'm usually level 17+, and can handle Uthar and/or Uthura pretty damn easily.

Meh, my two cents.


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:26 am
by Cuchulain82
(1)Kashyyk- Get Jolee, shape him for the game, resolve any Zaalbar/Wookie issues, the forest is cool
(2)Tattoine- A little more challenging than Kashyyk, finish Bastila quests/romance, better rewards (pearl, etc)
(3)Manaan- Darth Bandon's sabre, good items to dupe (if that's your thing), get genohardian quests... but really the main reason is that it isn't good anywhere else
(4)Korriban- full access to merchants, loss of Bastila, bring the pain to the Sith, most dynamic and rewarding world, best place to spend accumulated credits.

Usually things are open to discussion with me, but I feel like this is basically the optimal order, end of discussion. Apparently so does everyone else (you guys switch the first two worlds, but that isn't hugely important)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:49 am
by gamegladiator
1) Tatooine: Just good experience, fun level, and all things Star Wars seem to start there, so why not?
2) Korriban: What's not to love about an all Sith World? Even though I always end up good, it's a cool place. Plus, you get experience from killing all those Sith outside if you kill the two masters.
3) Kashyyk: I avoid this one because my computer lags here, and don't like it much. If it weren't for my next choice, it'd be last.
4) Manaan: I love the irony of being capture above a totally neutral planet, and being told how the sith aren't really bad when you've just been tortured by them. That was a spoiler there, highlight to read.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 3:08 pm
by Greg.
Go to Korriban - speak to spice trader. Go into box in hawk - test of riddles with rakatan - give box to Vogga - buy Hk with the 4k - so no ds points, as I play on PC and like the circlet of saresh and the robes and the crystal.
Kashyyk - Jolee - I usually do this in a oner, so I get Zaalbar back.
Then I do most of the others - including sidequests - so I have toughened up a bit - (just before Naga Sadow's tomb, after dealing with Sand people and just before going down in the sub) Then:
Tatooine - Bastilla's side quest
Manaan - extra xp for korriban
Korriban - high level for taking down 2 terantateks then Uthar/Uthura then entire academy.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:29 am
by alpha_hazard
I used to do them in the same order as pretty much everyone else...then I discovered how much you get to do if you bump around on the planets. For instance...if you go to kashyyyk after the leviathan, the computer recognizes you and you don't have to compromise your alignment. I also like to return and speak to some of the characters you turn or rescue, like the Sandral and Matale lovebirds and Yuthura.

The disadvantage with this is that you end up missing out on some of the better items at Yavin Station, because you end up getting all the star maps after you've done the majority of the quests.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:57 pm
by stormcloud
my first time i did kashyyk korriban tatooine manaan i believe.