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Bodhi Question

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:05 pm
by kams
I am now in that part of the game, where I should decide which help to take - Bodhi's or Shadow Thief's. I played many times and always chose Thief's side, but now want to choode Bodhi - just for the differense.

And here I've got stuck with a problem that really drives me nuts.
Bodhi does not appear. I speak with Velen who tells me to come to the Graveyard at night, and when I come - nobody there.
Load Game does not help.

Maybe that is because of ToB patch I intalled? Or there are some other parameters, which effect on Bodhi's ecounter (such as helping defeat Mae'Var for Shadow Thieves or something)?

If this is a bug, then perhaps I can use console to alter game mechanics (though I don't know the name of this variable)?

So if anyone know what can be done now, I would be very gratefull.Now after a half-hour of "trying to find Bodhi" I am feeling like throuing my monitor through the window.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:23 pm
by Faust
Sounds trite, I'm sure, but this has happened to a few people. What you might try to do is simply wait her out. Come back another night, etc. She can be fickle, periodically, about showing up I gather. I'm not sure about altering the game dynamics. It's probably possible for the game to bet set to "as" you've sided with her. But I'm not well versed in how to do that.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:42 pm
by kams
Thanks, that was really a quick answer!

But the problem still remains :( (((
I just found out that this was actually not the first time I ecounter this problem. In my previous game I got 15000 gp, met Velen, then after spending some money went to the Graveyard. Bodhi appeared as usual and told me "bla-bla-bla not enough money".

But then, when I returned to Graveyard later (with more money) - Bodhi never appeared. I was still undecided which faction to take.
So this can not be because of patch, which I just installed.

And one more thing: When I enter the Graveyard game pauses for a moment (just like when something is going to happen), but then everything goes as usual.

Pls, help me someone! I am sick of those Thieves (I comleted their quest for 3 times now and would rather uninstall the game then playing for those thieves for forth time)!

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:49 pm
by Phantom Lord
Usually she stands right north of the entrance. Maybe you have exceeded a time limit. Bodhi doesn't wait too long.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:07 am
by Celestial_Guard
Same Problem

I have had the same problem before, but after about 5-6 days of waiting and traveling around town, she appeared at the Grave Yard. I can't remember if i picked up an Item, or anything I did to get her to appear.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:20 pm
by Erenor
Yeah, I went travelling too long as well and she wasn't hanging around when I came back. I had to choose the other route.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:19 am
by SP101
You may also use ShadowKeeper to reset the timer for Bodhi to appear... IIRC, you have only one week (7 days) to meet her... so just set the timer back to 1 (That'll say to the game : The PC just encountered Valen for the 1st time). This way, you can go to the Graveyard District, and Bodhi should appear. I don't know wich variable it is... but shouldn't be hard to tell (ValenSomething, BodhiSomething, VampireSomething, TalkedToValen/TalkedToBodhi... should be something like this).

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:05 am
by kams
If anyone knows this variables - tell me, PLZ.
I tried almost all combinathions now. So far - no luck

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:41 am
by SP101
I've just tried last night :

Globals :

BodhiAppear = (Set to 0)
BodiAppear = (Set to 0)
ValenAppear = (Set to 1)

I think it was like that... then you use the CLUA Console to summon Bodhi2 (I believe it was Bodhi2... there's something like 9-10 scripts of Bodhi in the game. Some are hostiles, others are just meetings you have with her.)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:08 am
by kams
Can you plz write the whole console string? (like CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("BodhiAppear","Global","1") )

I have tried yesterday all those variables in different combinations - still no result. It is time for me now to choose side, and it will be a pity if I will be forced to join Thieves once again. :sigh: