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torturing aerie
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 2:30 am
by Kerra
all last game npcs in towns walked up and and said stuff like 'hey you're a pretty one" and i'd wait for the gee thanks text box to pop up but they were always talking to aerie. haer dalis ignored me and hit on aerie. minsc made her his witch even though i was a sorceress that time and with him way before her

even anomen who was supposed to be in a ROMANCE with ME was flirting with aerie
i hate aerie
so this time i am torturing her =)
korgan edwin and viconia all pick on her if they are in your group. also she is really really scared of the underdark and drow elfs.
....sooo i took her on a vacation to underdark with viconia korgan and edwin! and i'm going through the area real sloooow
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 2:47 am
by Aegis
What a sick, twisted, tormented, sadistic little mind you have....
I think I'm in love! heh...
Courage is Bravery,
Bravery is Courage,
Children are Flamable
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 2:49 am
by Caernarvon
Just don't plan on keeping Aerie and Korgan together for very long...
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 8:18 am
by Drakron Du´Dark
Like i said before when amoen ask you to join you, you must take him Now, if you say "not right now" that kills the romance, the romance lines happen from every 30 minutes real time, even if you pause the game, and one must have pacient when deling whith Aerie. I remenber going all out the asulym test and getting that stupid dialog about the play that haer dalis is doing, and That was REALLY anoing.
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 10:10 am
by Weasel
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kerra:
haer dalis ignored me and hit on aerie. minsc made her his witch even though i was a sorceress that time and with him way before her

even anomen who was supposed to be in a ROMANCE with ME was flirting with aerie
i hate aerie
so this time i am torturing her =)
As for Minsc remember he has took a lick to the head. Haer Dalis is a different story ,IMHO after you do his quest KILL him .I believe you would be doing the whole world a great service.As for Amomen I believe they did all female gamers a wrong by give them him as a romance. Why IMO would the Order of the Most Radiant Heart want him at all I cannot comprehend.
(since a story has started , we need a title)
Baldur's Gate III Q f A
Chapter 1.
As for Aerie torture her all you want.Here you go< SMACK >I will help you in this noble goal.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 01-07-2001).]
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 10:20 am
by Kerra
no no drakron: i know all that. anomen *was* in a romance with me but he still flirted with aerie! i don't have any patience left for her after she took ALL the men and then whined the whole game hehe. and weasel is right, anomen = dork
death to aerie >=)
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 10:25 am
by Drakron Du´Dark
And how about Edwina she even get yoshi whating to help her whit fixing her robe. and amoen to be her knight.
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 10:33 am
by Chrissy
Makes you wonder wether the creators of this lovely game even remotely liked women doesn't it? It turns out not to be very woman friendly.
I never saw Anomen hit on Aerie, must be because I left her a giant hairy monster by not giving her the sword in the circus. (she was really upset for about half a minute)
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 10:35 am
by Weasel
Edwina deserves all the attention she can get .LOL
Wait a minute..
Just a little more help with Aerie.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 01-01-2001).]
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 11:15 am
by Kik'th Mutchath
At last! Someone who hates Aerie as much as I do. My character's a Drow Female, so every chance I get Viconia & I team up on teasing/being generally mean to Aerie. Hee hee hee. And, although Anomen IS a dork, he's alos the only romance there is...what the shit's up w/ that? I say they should write a script that lets you romance whoever you want--guys, gals, whoever.
"What _can_ be cured must be endured..."
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 11:24 am
by Drakron Du´Dark
If you Screw up and make amoen goin for revege he will fail the Radient Hart test and become Chaotic neutral. so if you play the evil side...
Drow Priestess of Loth your evil godess will be defeted and the drow will be free of loth chains. I promise in the name of Lady silver hair.
If there was some "homosexual" or in your case "lesbian" romaces in the game Bioware would be raid by extrimists and its menbers Hung on a Tree.
and BG II would get a PG rating of +50.
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
[This message has been edited by Drakron Du´Dark (edited 01-01-2001).]
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 4:47 pm
by magusg
Um...that's real sadistic of you. She's my lover, so I have to defend her. By the way, Anomen never flirted with her in my game, or I would have kicked his head in. I would have done the same to Haer'Dalis. Minsc is NOT flirting with or courting Aerie, they're just friends, or yet again I would have had to kick his head stop dissing Aerie!
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 4:50 pm
by Weasel
No i'm not spamming.
Just a little more help with Aerie.
(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.
[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 01-01-2001).]
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 4:52 pm
by rapier
Right! Don't be so mean to Aerie, she's soooo kawaii! I kicked Korgan and Viconia because of her! Actually, I tried to disentegrate them!
Step in shadow, left a husk, killed in moments after dusk.
Step in shadow, you are prey, pray you live to see the day.
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:17 pm
by Kerra
bah magusg and rapier!
anomen only did it once and near the beginning though - i remember because i said "HEY!!". i don't remember exactly what he said but he was making a move hehe. as for minsc i know he was bonked on the head and i know he's not trying to romance her but still... maybe i wouldn't have minded a big bald berzerker protecting me
chrissy, she stays an ogre if you dont give her the sword? like forever? i might have to replay that, muhahaha. and you are right - even if the programmers are all men they could have asked a girl from marketing or something to read the script before they put it in, lol. i'll even volunteer to do it for bg3

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:27 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
weasel,stop torturing aerie (you are S&M or something)and kerra if it´s "amoen look the sun is rising.."line, he has the WORST pick up lines in the planes. about Minsc are you sure you what that guy following around you all the time?
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:44 pm
by magusg
As Kerra is about to leave the world of illusion, leaving Aerie to live the rest of her days as an ogre, Magus the level 18 mage teleports in. "Die foul creature!" he proclaims, and with that unleashes Abil-Dhalzim's Horrid Wilting upon Kerra's puny party, and laughs as they wither away into dust. With a flourish, he teleports over to Kerra's remains, retrieves the sword, and whisks Aerie away back to his realm in the Planar Sphere.
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:47 pm
by Alienbob
how the hell did your mage get 2 level 18?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:49 pm
by XtraniuM
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 7:50 pm
by rapier
Ûhhh...baka! Nooo, I didn'tn gave her the sword, but after you defeat Kalah, she's an elf again, anyways...
Step in shadow, left a husk, killed in moments after dusk.
Step in shadow, you are prey, pray you live to see the day.