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Customizing weapons
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:07 am
by Dante1989
I have a problem customizing my weapons
With a wizard you can have the option of customzing weapons and armor
but when I wanna customize my weapons I can only choose to upgrade to a +3 weapons and not make it holy or anarchic or something how do you do that?
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:14 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
I have a problem customizing my weapons
With a wizard you can have the option of customzing weapons and armor
but when I wanna customize my weapons I can only choose to upgrade to a +3 weapons and not make it holy or anarchic or something how do you do that?[/QUOTE]
You need a Level-7 Cleric with either the Good or Chaos domains to craft those properties. The Good spell 'Holy Smite' and Chaos spell 'Chaos Hammer' are required for these enchantments, and only a Cleric with these domains can cast these spells and get these properties.
The Evil and Law domains are required for the respective enchantments as well.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:21 pm
by Lord Plothos
I've actually found that my cleric can't craft holy weapons until level 10.
More generally, you need craft arms and armor, a certain level as a caster, and a certain spell for each type of attribute you want to add. What level or spell you need depends on what attribute you want. Holy smite is required for holy. Fireball or flamestrike will each work for flaming, etc. You can find details on crafting weapons at:
But be aware that ToEE has changed some of the level requirements around. The spell requirements are set, though. If you have the spell and can't craft the weapon, it's because you're too low a level.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:33 pm
by Azeo Zander
How do i craft period?
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:07 pm
by Lord Plothos
If you have the craft feat, you just pick craft from the radial menu. Make sure the character with the feat is the one selected. Depending on what kind of crafting you want, you may need to have a magic or masterwork item in your inventory (making arms or armor). For wonderous items, potions, wands, or scrolls, you don't need to have anything but the character, the gold, and the experience (and of course any necessary spells or levels). That's all there is too it. Many items require a specific spell, a certain level, and just about all will cost you both experience and gold. When making arms or armor, the modified item must be in the crafter's inventory.