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Has anyone finished game without gaining any ds points while ls?
Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:42 pm
by MasterEwok
Has anyone finished game without gaining any ds points while ls? or vica versa or gained neither at all while neutral.
I'm playing 4th or 5th time threw Jedi weaponsmaster and have completed Peragus, Telos, 1/2 of nar shadar (wanted atton to be a jedi for on my other planets and hate goto's ship so always do last.), dantoine, koriban. and haven't gained a dark side point. I had Visas Cut sceen while doing Ithorians missons. Had light side Mastery before I finished dantoine.
I was also wondering if it is posible to get ls mastery after killing the jedi?
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:07 am
by Ergophobia
It's probably not possible. You'll have to gain LS points in some occasions and then cover them up with DS points in another situation.
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:33 am
by Admo
Not possible as neutral - there are a few straight DS/LS choices.
But it will be possible as either to not gain "opposite points".
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:34 pm
by Warden Brows
Well, that depends largely on whether you consider a net light side shift to not be gaining dark side points. In one convo with Kreia, if you don't go a certain way with a line, you'll lose influence. But depending on how you react to specific items, it will often say "Dark Side Points Gained, Light Side Points Gained, Net Light Side Shift". Ultimately you don't shift to the dark at all, and actually shift light, as the dark points are totally countered (and more) by the light points. If you consider that not shifting dark, then yes, I have done an entire game without a dark side shift. It is fairly simple to do, to be honest.
There are a couple of locations where it is difficult to not shift, though. One is on Dantooine, with the salvagers' claim. The only way to gain at all is to sell their stuff to the lady salvager. Then at least you get something. One would think Zherron would just give you the stuff as payment once he saw they had no next-of-kin and did not will it to anyone else, but no. The other big location is on Dxun, in the Sith temple. If you try to calm the Dark Side Energy in any of the rooms, there is a chance you will fail (depending on their char stats) and shift dark. Characters most likely to succeed appear to be Handmaiden and Visas, and sometimes Bao-Dur. Atton tends to be weak-willed, and I've never gotten Mira to be a Jedi.
One of the reasons the Dark Side path is more difficult is actually realistically correct: most people are at least somewhat "good" and so you gain less points with the populace as a whole by going evil. An evil character survives on his own strength, made stronger by screwing over others. People will give you less stuff, but some of it can be had by killing them.
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:40 pm
by the_limey
It *is* possible for a Light-side charccter not to collect dark-side points- I know beacuse I've done it. Not sure about the reverse as I'm always nice to Visas to get influence even if I'm ls but I should imagine it's possible
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:24 am
by Ergophobia
I think it is highly possible not to lose any influence and not to gain any DS points when going light... just be sure not to have Kreia, HK, Goto or Mandalore around when being goody-goody. And don't try to get everything.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:30 am
by Faust
Sure. Its definitely possible to not gain any DS points as a LS character. I don't recall gaining any DS points in my play through (though I was tempted a few times to take the DS action to gain influence or what not). My inclination is that while still possible, its probably more difficult to go DS without gaining any LS shifts.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:40 am
by shadow blade
i have just completed the game for the forth time and i did it as a watchman and i didn't get a single ds point in the entire game. it was hard but i just made sure i avoided all situations where i would be evil. Completing the game 3 times already helped because i knew what to look out for and what to avoid.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:33 am
by RedClaw
Yeah, I've done it....but the Dark Side is more fun.