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Persuasion and Seduction <>

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:17 am
by DarkFleur
Hey... I'm going through "Calling Dr Grout" And I couldn't find anyone (but some police guys and the lunatics from the asylium) To use Persuasion and Seduction on.... There aren't many people to talk... I have high points in both and I would really like to make them work more.... Anyone I can Talk to in the game? Maybe unlock any hidden scene, I was trying with Vandal but he started to act freaky... Is there anything I can try?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:41 am
by matthew13
Nope. Sorry. The Grout mission is pretty much a straight-up, kill everyone in sight, sort of thing. A good number of the missions are of the Grout variety. Persuasion and Seduction are what I call style skills--if that is your style of play, then use them when you can, but they are not central to much of anything.

Which is not to say they are totally useless. They can be real handy in getting a bit to eat at the local nightclub, and there are a few missions where a high persuasion and/or seduction skill can be real handy (Hollywood has a couple), but don't count too heavily on them.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:40 am
by memimo
The only notable use for seduction I stumbled over was Chunk. And it wasnt noticeable in a good way.

That said, persuasion can save a lot of time and stress... particularly the first time round. That and dominate... 'tis awful strong, to the point where it doesn't feel right to dominate people :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:54 am
by DarkFleur
Not Just at this task

Well, I mentioned Grout's becouse thats where I am.... And I didnt find anything before it, so I was wondering if something will come after it... Thanks!!

I really think Heather should be a guy... lol...

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:26 am
by Faust
Well, there's quite a few uses for the two skills.


Prior to Grout, a high enough persuasion will allow you to get an optimal outcome from the sisters in Santa Monica. Obviously, at the beach house either seduction or persuasion will get you a more peacful solution. At the Noir Gallery, you can either use seduction or persuasion to get Chunk to let you in without having to get sneaky. In Downtown, you can negotiate a "Discount at his store" (i.e. a Finance boost) with a high enough persuasion with Fat Larry, after you accept his mission. A high enough persuasion gives you a peaceful means of getting rid of Patty as well in the Asylum. It will give you an easy way of getting a key to Jezebel Locke's room, etc.. There's an upcoming small quest in Hollywood that can only be solved with this skill set.

The thing to keep in mind is that seduction and persuasion are meant to not open new paths through situations, but rather give you a nother non-stealh/combat routes through one. Often the persuasion/seduction route optimizes your experience.

The problem with dual focusing on seduction and persuasion is that you'll find a high level in one of those skills will go a great deal further than mediocre levels in both. Essentially, the skills do very similar things just in in slightly different ways. So its normally better to just devote experience to one of them.Now with that said, there is a small quest near the end of the game that can only be completed by high persuasion chararacters (a "9" to be precise). In my estimate, persuasion ultimately earns you the most experience in the game, and is, hence, the one worth focusing on. Seduction can be fun, and certain simplifies feeding. However, focusing heavily on both can really suck up experience that could otherwise go to disciplines or attributes.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:10 pm
by Mavrik
Seduction also allows feeding in public without violating the Masquerade if you manage to seduce the girls in the bars or the whores outside. Seduce them into allowing you to show them something more and you can feed without fear. Quite a bonus I would say when you need a quick snack.

I used seduction to get a lot of things done, getting the screen play for VV and amoung other things. I find Dementation and Dominance in speech however to have the most interesting outcomes but you need to play Ventrue or Malkavian to get those options.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:52 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=Mavrik]Seduction also allows feeding in public without violating the Masquerade if you manage to seduce the girls in the bars or the whores outside. Seduce them into allowing you to show them something more and you can feed without fear. Quite a bonus I would say when you need a quick snack.

I used seduction to get a lot of things done, getting the screen play for VV and amoung other things. I find Dementation and Dominance in speech however to have the most interesting outcomes but you need to play Ventrue or Malkavian to get those options.[/QUOTE]

Right. Seduction, basically, gives you one barfly girl in each section of the city that you can feed off without fear of violating the masquerade. The level of your seduction needs to be progressively higher in each part of town. Honestly, this is a much bigger benefit in the beginning of the game, than the end. Still, its a perk.

The limitation of seduction is that there are some quests it can't solve that persuade can in a more satisfactory way. Ultimately, persuasion will net you a fair amount of more experience points. Likewise, seduction is probably more useful than intimidation, but they are comparable. Intimidation will net you more total money than either seduction or persuasion, though. So, each social skill has end results advantage - intimidation will net more money, seduction will make feeding easier, and persuasion will net more experience. Regardless, they all do about the same thing, and focusing on multiple social skills will result in some redundancy. If your goal is to see as many dialogue options as possible, I whole heartedly recommend focusing on multiple social skills. However, if you're more interested in having a balanced character, there's no reason to focus on more than one.

Dominate and Dementationi are both fun. Quite frankly, neither offers any advantage in dialogue over a high persuasion. They will produce slightly different outcomes that will be quite humerous (dementation is hysterical), but a high persuasion will get you the same end results and allow you to do a few extra things (i.e. the Giovanni quests at the end of the game). But, certainly the case can be made for neglecting all the social skills if you are a dominate or seduction build character.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:02 pm
by Mavrik
I used dementation on the russian you talk to when explaining that Boris won't be getting paid again. I was playing Malkavian and told him he was a bear and to go hunting for fish. Well he goes all "grrr" and starts shooting his own guys who of course shot him back and kill him hehe.

Seduction does not work what so ever against Jeanette's ghoul who sells blood packs. No matter what you say he just won't sleep with an undead girl.

Its a great way of getting people to like you certain ways, for example I used seduction on both VV and Jeanette which I thought prompted a few more lines of dialog probably not there if I had just held a conversation.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:55 am
by Celacena

I crank up seduction near the beginning to get the dolls - later on they are a bonus, but not a necessity - e.g. in Chinatown, there is a whole cat-house of willing dolls, so no need to get the cross one in the Red Dragon.

Persuasion is very good throughout - it doesn't work in a fight, but it does help in most social circumstances. raising your intelligence gets intimidate as a by-product to the real benefit - research.

those books save a LOT of XP, a whole, real load and it would be malkavian to ignore research.