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Help needed: 5th trial, main quest (SPOILERS)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:26 am
by Hail2Skins91
:confused: Help! I'm on the fifth trial on the main quest in Erabenimsun...I am supposed to kill the ashkhan and his cronies and give the would-be ashkhan some of their magic items. My problem is this...I killed these guys much earlier in the game and sold their stuff to either the Caldera scamp or the mudcrab. When I went to buy them back, both of these characters had reset their inventory so I can't access previously sold stuff. Is there any way around this? The items I am missing are the Sanit-Kils Heart of Fire and the War Axe of Arian-Ammu. I hate to lose a level 62 character because of a glitch, so any help would be great! Thanks.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:07 am
by fable
Renamed thread. Please check out the Please Read Before Posting thread in this forum. ;) You'll be expected to do this kind of thing from here-on.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:18 am
by Hail2Skins91

Sorry about the mistake...thanks for fixing it.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:49 am
by dragon wench
If you are on PC you can use the console to edit the items in (all the codes are in the construction set).
If you are on Xbox... I think you might be up the muddy creek minus your paddle. I am doubtful it will work, but try getting the disposition of the former chief's son up to 100 via either admire or bribery. Then, swig a potion of Telvanni bugmusk. After that, initiate dialogue and select the option that says 'show him "item X" and give him a nice speech.'

Other than that, I think your only alternative would be to go the "quick route." Check the MW walkthrough here at Game Banshee in order to find out how that is accomplished: ... /quick.php

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:27 am
by Hail2Skins91

I'm already 100 on the likability scale, but I hadn't thought of Bug Musk. I'll give it a try, thanks!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:22 pm
by GT2
[QUOTE=Hail2Skins91] :confused: Help! I'm on the fifth trial on the main quest in Erabenimsun...I am supposed to kill the ashkhan and his cronies and give the would-be ashkhan some of their magic items. My problem is this...I killed these guys much earlier in the game and sold their stuff to either the Caldera scamp or the mudcrab. When I went to buy them back, both of these characters had reset their inventory so I can't access previously sold stuff. Is there any way around this? The items I am missing are the Sanit-Kils Heart of Fire and the War Axe of Arian-Ammu. I hate to lose a level 62 character because of a glitch, so any help would be great! Thanks.[/QUOTE]
i got a question for you.i been playing on xbox for almost 3 years and i sell all my items to the creeper and when ever i need something he has it he never resets his inventory so check real good.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 4:46 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=GT2]i got a question for you.i been playing on xbox for almost 3 years and i sell all my items to the creeper and when ever i need something he has it he never resets his inventory so check real good.[/QUOTE]
This does in fact happen sometimes. There are actually a few threads here on the topic. A friend of mine had this occur.. she'd been playing the same character for three years, and had a ton of really good loot (i.e unique artifacts) stashed with the Creeper, then one day she went looking for some of it and discovered, after thoroughly checking, that it was *all* gone! :eek:

Moral of the story: Either don't 'store' items with Creeper/Mudcrab or play on PC :p

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:05 am
by GT2
[QUOTE=dragon wench]This does in fact happen sometimes. There are actually a few threads here on the topic. A friend of mine had this occur.. she'd been playing the same character for three years, and had a ton of really good loot (i.e unique artifacts) stashed with the Creeper, then one day she went looking for some of it and discovered, after thoroughly checking, that it was *all* gone! :eek:

Moral of the story: Either don't 'store' items with Creeper/Mudcrab or play on PC :p [/QUOTE]
well i play on xbox and this never happens to me.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:37 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=GT2]well i play on xbox and this never happens to me.[/QUOTE]
Well, I don't know how it happens, and I've never experienced it myself. But, as I said above, it does occur sometimes, I know of several people who have lost their gear that way.

I have no idea why it happens however, maybe those people do something in-game that triggers it? Or, maybe it is some kind of bug? Or, maybe there is a certain volume point at which Creeper/Mudcrab's inventory resets, but most people never reach it (sort of like sometimes getting an overflow lootbag) ? It is possible there is more information on this up at the Bethesda boards, I've never had any need to look into it though.