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How do you find time to play?

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2001 8:02 pm
by Minerva
I wonder how everyone find a time to play the game. I mean, BG2 is not a short game, particularly if you try to do all sub quests, and still many of you have completed the game several times. I presume most of you have a day job/study, and how do you manage? I am a research student (after some years in a office, I had enough working), and in one hand I have plenty of time, but in the other I have no time at all (do you understand what I mean?). I cannot sit in front of my computer so long after typing my thesis (125,000 words!!), and my eye sight is getting worse. How about you?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 12:58 am
by Aegis
Some of us Hard-croe gamers, as I like to consider myself, do not need much sleep. We have grown up on things like television, games, computors, bokks.... (whoops, scratch that last one, what I am thinking, I don't even know what a book is...) So, we have learned to adapt our psyhology to suit our habits... I hope that helps...

Courage is Bravery,
Bravery is Courage,
Children are Flamable

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 1:35 am
by Rail
Unfortunately, (well, fortunately for me) I find myself thinking of the game, different strategies, certain battles, etc., nearly all my waking hours. It's not like I don't have a life (I keep telling myself this hoping to believe it), it's just that BG2 seems to be in the background 90% of the time. I must be sick, but it's nice to know there are others out there with my malady.

Time playing is the problem. I hardly seem to have the time to play, anymore. Okay, I get in several hours every few days, but that seems so seldom, it's driving me nuts. I envy those of you with more free time. Wouldn't trade in my life, though. I have a newborn, and he's much better than even BG2. It's close, but he edges out the game. LOL

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 3:38 am
by Kerra
sleep is for the weak !

(>")> <( " )> <("&lt ;) kirby =)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 4:44 am
by Gruntboy
I concur with Rail. I am afflicted with thoughts of BG2 at work. It doesn't stop me from working but I spend 8/9 hours in front of a VDU and then get home and spend another 5/6 playing BG2. Surprisingly, I do have a girl friend and I don't suffer from withdrawal syptoms when I spend time with her and not my PC - but woe betide her if she interrupts while I'm playing. Actually, I may have converted her into giving BG2 a try (re: earlier thread about 'creating' female gamers out of your partners).

Not enough hours in the day...

Hope everyone spent the holidays wisely... Image

Oink Oink!

[This message has been edited by Gruntboy (edited 01-02-2001).]

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2001 9:26 am
by Ubik

Yup, the G-boy has got it right. And, as Kerra said, sleeping is for the weak. I work afternoon (15.00 - 23.00) so I just leave the wife sleeping, while I wake up 6 or 6.30 in the morning and play like 2 or 3 hours. Not every day, though Image

I am playing this game 24 days now, with two parties (simultaneusly) and with one party I just left Underdark (they are going for the rush) while the other still does things around Alkathla (chapter 3) - I have to do all those subquests!!!

I believe I should have finished it with both my parties in early February. Maybe, if my wife doesn't kick my butt to hard about leaving her alone for a while Image