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A Couple of *really helpful links

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 12:47 am
by dragon wench
These are already in the Yellow Pages at the top of this page, but some of the questions we frequently have inspired me to repost them ;)

Game Faqs: A *very* large page full of hints, FAQs, and faction walkthroughs. In short, practically *everything* you could ever wish to know about the game: ... 13818.html

Hannah's Whereizit: Enough said, *extremely* useful for finding various items, NPCs and locations:

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 6:53 am
by jopperm2
THose are both great one's. I recommend the character creation faq for people who want to know "what works," as in what kind of character will be powerful. I've seen a lot of "what should I be" kind of questions and that one on gamefaqs answers them all.

It says it's for XBox, but there isn't any console specific material, so if you are on PC, don't be turned off by that. I think he just put it because he uses the box. ;)