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star wars PC

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:20 am
by hagar
there are a few star wars games and could someone tell me about the latest star wars games and the old SW knight of old republic, battlefront, ..latest sith game.....what are they like.

I 3d graphics like jedi academy and I like open terrain, ice scenes.

I have SW jedi knight academy II...however I cant get past 1st screen

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 7:10 am
by fable
As there are many Star Wars games in a variety of genres, you're asking a very broad question that would require a lot of writing in response. Perhaps if you considered narrowing your request a bit, some replies would be more likely to show up?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:53 am
by txa1265
I'll try a bit:

- Knights of the Old Republic(2003) - excellent game, a truly great RPG
- KotOR 2: The Sith Lords (2005) - about a third into the game, I would call this better than the first ... half way to two-thirds, about equal ... by the end, I still liked it but was disappointed by the end portion's unfinished and unpolished feel.

- Dark Forces (1995) - excellent, IMO the best of the 'Doom Generation'
- Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight (1997) - one of the best in the genre
- Jedi Knight: Mysterues of the Sith (1998) - now *this* is an expansion ...
- Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (2002) - This is one of my two favorite games of all time ... yet in many ways the original Jedi Knight and Dark Forces are objectively better games ... who cares, I love it!
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (2003) - Does some things better than JKII, but the plot and characters come off as whiney teenagers, and the attempt at a combination of a 'Medal of Honor' mission-mode along with a full plot mode comes off as pretty thin. Still a game I love ...

[Hybrid - FPS + flight]
- Shwadows of the Empire (1997) - a little bit of everything ... notice how no one ever throws away tools when buying a Swiss Army knife? Yep - this is like that, does everything 'OK'.

[Kids Games]
- Any of the LucasLearning games are great for kids - Jabba's Math, Jar Jar's Journey, Yoda's Challenge, and so on - if you have kids who like Star Wars - get them.

- Lego Star Wars (PC & PS2/XBox) - *NOT* just a kids game, I have a review of it up at GamerDad (search - I don't feel comfortable posting it). Really, really cool game.
- Lego Star Wars (GBA) - decent enough game ... not great. (there are other GBA games as well ... )

Other stuff I don't know:

- Rebellion
- Force Commander
- Galactic Battlegrounds

Then there are all of the flying games - XWing, Tie Fighter, etc ... I don't know those ... I got Rebel Strike when we got a GameCube for the Kids, and we have some fun.


Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 8:06 pm
by The Z
If you like shooters then Republic Commando might be worth a look. Haven't played it myself, but there are plenty of reviews on the net. From what I've heard it's pretty good.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 9:04 pm
by force
i like the star wars of republic 2 for pc its pretty good but xbox is better

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 2:19 am
by Aegis
[QUOTE=force]i like the star wars of republic 2 for pc its pretty good but xbox is better[/QUOTE]
Er, what game now?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:22 pm
by smithrd3512
The flights sims are:

X Wing plus expansions
Tie Figher plus expansions (best of the star wars flight sims)
Xwing vs Tie Fighter...excellent graphics

Rebel Assault series

Rogue Squadron series

Original Arcade Star Wars game

There are more but dont remember their names.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:27 pm
by Darth Zenemij
[QUOTE=Aegis]Er, what game now?[/QUOTE]
Star wars Knights of the old republic, you've never herd of it?

I like star wars legos, I've almost beat the game, I need 3 more characters to go.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:50 am
by Aegis
[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]Star wars Knights of the old republic, you've never herd of it?

I like star wars legos, I've almost beat the game, I need 3 more characters to go.[/QUOTE]
I like to pretend shoddy games don't exist :D

Actually, the way he was talking about it, I wasn't sure he meant KotOR, or Republic Commando. It was vague.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 5:29 am
by Denethorn
What happened to Republic Commando? I saw a trailer that made it look something like Starship Troopers and haven't heard of it since.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:02 am
by txa1265
[QUOTE=Denethorn]What happened to Republic Commando? I saw a trailer that made it look something like Starship Troopers and haven't heard of it since.[/QUOTE]

It actually sold fairly well, and has been reviewed as a solid if unspectacular shooter.

I'm actually playing it now - something about the demo said 'put this on the birthday list and buy something else instead ;) ... so I got Zelda Minish Cap :) . My parents got it for me, but we didn't get together until my son's First Communion a few weeks ago. And between other games and stuff ...

I'm ~2/3 through according to what I've heard, and am finding it to be a decent shooter. After a string of RPG's, it is nice to do some good ol' linear shooting. The feel is definitely Star Wars, in the gaming sort of implementation. But everything is bigger and grittier - like the enemies, for instance, who look bigger and meaner than in the movies. The weapons are a bit of a mixed bag, in my opinion, they are varied and responsive, but some feel a bit weak.


Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:17 pm
by Darth Zenemij
I liked Jedi Academy. I didn't like Battle front thoguh. Ever play Battlefield 1942? Its pretty muchley the same but just star wars based.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:46 pm
by Ravager
Galactic battlegrounds

I think I played a demo of this.

Think Age of Empires II meets Star Wars :D

If it is the one I remember it was based on the Age of Empires II engine and had lots of battles on different planets with star wars themed units and buildings. I think there were diffent scenarios based on the Episode IV-VI films and probably a random map scenario as well.

They may have even even released a follow up.

The demo was pretty good :D

It has been out quite a long time now, probably quite cheap now, if you can find it.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:43 am
by Darth Reven
ye i played tht to no idea of the name i dont thin k they released a game though just the demo

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:56 pm
by Hill-Shatar
My reccomnedations, would be to get KOTOR and its sequel, even if you dont like RPGs but are a star wars fan.

Id say more, and list other games, but its 11 at night and I have to be up and 5 tommorrow. Good night.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:31 pm
by Caden
Star Wars Galaxies is the MMORPG.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:59 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Ok, if you want a game thats gonna last a while, dont get battlefront, it gets repetitive and boring really quick, even when you set the game as hard as you can.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:41 pm
by Chimaera182
Rebellion used to be interesting, but I get bored of games fast. Frankly, the game just doesn't seem balanced right, but that can be said about lots of games. But it was a decent strategy game.

I've heard news LucasArts is releasing a new Star Wars-based strategy game, either this fall--I doubt it--or next year, called Empire at War. That's supposed to take place a few years before Star Wars IV: A New Hope. From what little I've read, it sounded okay. Check out LucasArts' website to find out more on that.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 8:40 pm
by txa1265
[QUOTE=hill1]Ok, if you want a game thats gonna last a while, dont get battlefront, it gets repetitive and boring really quick, even when you set the game as hard as you can.[/QUOTE]

I actually have a 'gaming resolution' based on Battlefront ... and it will be the first Star Wars game released on Mac & PC that I haven't gotten both ... in a long time ...


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:55 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan
Dont forget star wars jedi power battles for Playstaion. I love that game :D