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I just got MW & BM on the PC so...

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:15 am
by oozae
Can someone please give me links to these mods:
Potted Plants 2.0
Real Furniture
Daggerfall Book Collection
Dave Humphrey's Furniture Store 1.6.
Fishing Academy Mod
Moon's Soul Gems
Rhedd's Heads

Better Portable Containers

These mods require Tribunal, which I don't have, so does anyone know if there are any MW/BM versions of them:
Abu's Retreat
Sorefoot Enterprises
Journal Enhanced
Writing Enhanced
Pegas Horse Ranch

And when I attempted to download some mods at Fileplanet, the page just sat there. It wouldn't download.

Any help is appreciated

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:01 am
by Coot
A lot of the mods you mentioned you can find at MW Summit. It's really a shame TESmods is down... :(

AFAIK know, all mods that require Tribunal or Bloodmoon do not have MW versions. Maybe there are exeptions, but not many.

At Fileplanet you sometimes have to wait in line, that is, if you're a non-paying customer ;) . Read the pop-ups that appear when you try to download a mod. You can follow the 'wait-in-line-link'.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 5:35 am
by fable
Find the ones you can by looking on Morrowind Summit first, as Coot suggested. After that, come back and tell us what you lack. I know the homepage of many mods, and can help out personally if a few can't be located.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 8:33 am
by dragon wench
You can find a link to Rhedd's by looking on the first page of the Morrowind Yellowpages, at the top of this page.

And as Coot said, the rest should be available from the Summit.
If needed I could probably help out too ;)

There are a lot of really good mods out there that require Tribunal. You may want to seriously consider picking up a copy if you can.... (note: if you do, make sure you install it *before* Bloodmoon)

btw: You might also want to check out this page of mod links:

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:04 am
by oozae
This always annoys me... Can someone please delete this post? The actual one is underneath.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:07 am
by oozae
Hmm... I looked in Morrowind Summit for quite a while so any links to other sites that might help is appreciated. And what does 'Requires: Bloodmoon,
Tribunal' mean? Why doesn't it say Bloodmoon & Tribunal? Does this mean that I can download the mod since I've only got Bloodmoon? :confused:

Oh, and sorry if you didn't know what it meant, but BM means Bloodmoon ;)

Again, thanks :)

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 6:53 am
by fable
Fishing Academy is up at Morrowind Summit--I just searched on the title. So is Rhedd's Heads: look under the author Rhedd, instead of as part of the title. Some, however, aren't there. Let me see about the others...

If a mod requires Tribunal, it really requires Tribunal. It uses textures and meshes from that add-on, and some won't be in either MW or BM.

I'm kinda busy at the moment, but contact me via PMs about the mods.