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Questions (chatter mode)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:21 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
Questions... and more questions

I'm really sorry for all the posts, but I'm really curious about this game, since I am pretty new to Morrowind. Please feel free to post any opinions!!
My first questions are about this Dark Brotherhood. Can you join it? (I'm playing PC) Is it against the Thieves Guild? Is it like the Camonna Tong?
Next: What do you think the best races are for the main factions? (Thief, mage, fighter, assassin, crazy guy who kills everything in sight, etc.) What classes would you match up with the races?
What sign is the best for the different classes? Has anyone made an all around character that can be pretty much anything? Want to give me a few hints about it? ;)
What are all the factions for PC Morrowind? I know Thieves, Mages, Fighters, Houses Telvanni, Hlaalu and Redoran, the Imperial Cult and Legion, the Morag Tong, Blades, Ashlanders, and Temple. Any others you can join?
What armor is the best if you have 100 in any of the armor skills? (Unarmored, heavy, medium or light). I found ebony once a few years ago before I stopped playing. It was pretty good.
What are your favourite items? I like short blades but prefer to use spells. Thoughts?
What's your favourtie faction? I prefer messenger jobs to be honest; I hate running around looking for those darn caves.
What's you favourite quest? Why? What do you think is the hardest quest?
Do you like beast races? I enjoy playing Khajiit because they make ideal thieves :)
Do you play male or female characters? Do they have different stats, or roles in the game? I heard a Telvanni girl only likes to talk to females.
Does eating ingredients have any immediate effect, or do you have to make it into a potion first? Can you make scrolls?

(Phew) If I can think of anymore I'll add it :p
I'd love to hear all of your opinions and advice!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:32 pm
by fable
Oscuro Sol, may I make a couple of suggestions?

First, use Search. We have many threads devoted to several of your questions already. The armor question, for example, factions, houses, etc.

Second, start threads for each other question that remains unanswered. A generic potpourri thread like this isn't going to cut it. ;)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:34 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
Hehe, sorry, I can rant on and on like this. I'll try and control myself :)
I have used the search for some earlier things, like my previous assassin and mudcrab questions. The assassin one brought up mostly stuff from Star Wars though and for mudcrab I didn't find any where it said where he was :(
Is there a way to search mainly for one forum? (remember, I can be extremely blind at times! ;) )

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 5:00 pm
by fable
Yes. Click on Search, then advanced search. Read the screen. ;)

I'm going to close this thread. It's just too broad. I have no problem with your posting specific threads for those subjects we don't already cover. :)