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Undocumented Tung job
Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 11:01 am
by Celacena
having completed this game quite a few times, and having done all of the quests at some point or other - it came as ashock to get an email from Tung asking him to pay a visit - it was just after the Warrens was finished - he wants me to go and look for a data CD down there.
anybody know anything about this?
(I have installed the unofficial patch - anything to do with that?)
Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 11:16 am
by Faust
[QUOTE=Celacena]having completed this game quite a few times, and having done all of the quests at some point or other - it came as ashock to get an email from Tung asking him to pay a visit - it was just after the Warrens was finished - he wants me to go and look for a data CD down there.
anybody know anything about this?
(I have installed the unofficial patch - anything to do with that?)[/QUOTE]
It's a Nosferatu only quest. When you successfully complete the mission, he'll give you a bit of a boost to one of your Nossie specific skills (either computer or stealth, I can't recall which).
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:45 am
by Celacena
Wow - Dual clan characters!
My character is a female Ventrue!
I did wonder if it was because I loaded up perception and sussed out Knox and then visited Tung for a chat.
I have been given the job - even though I am not a Nosferatu. Is the data CD somewhere my character will find accessible?
I would like an extra point of sneak, security or computers.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 11:06 am
by Mavrik
I wonder if its the data CD you swipe from Metal Head Industries and give to Gary for a poster of Damsel...
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:22 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=Mavrik]I wonder if its the data CD you swipe from Metal Head Industries and give to Gary for a poster of Damsel...[/QUOTE]
No, that's a different CD. The CD you're looking for is in the Warrens. I honestly can't remember exactly where, it's in part of the Warrens that doesn't have much other use.
Hmm...if you're getting the quest as a Ventrue that's very odd. All Nosferatu get it, but I've never received it with another clan. It may have something to do with perception. Very weird.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 3:47 pm
by Mavrik
I never got it with my Malk or Tremere... maybe it is a Nos and Ventrue thing.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:33 pm
by Faust
[QUOTE=Mavrik]I never got it with my Malk or Tremere... maybe it is a Nos and Ventrue thing.[/QUOTE]
I highly doubt it. I've played through the game as a Ventrue and never got the quest. My guess is that (a) it is either an exclusively Nosferatu thing and either something you've downloaded or a weird bug is enabling you to get it, or (b) it relates to some skill configuration.
Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 2:59 am
by Celacena
it is the first ever time I have had perception 3 during the normal part of the game - I normally leave it as 1, sometimes 2, but I wanted to suss Knox and as it was useful for ranged, I thought "why not?" - crouching when firing does more for accuracy that raising perception and it is cheap on XP.
Perhaps the way that you handle Imalia, Mitnick and Gary makes a difference - I accepted work from them in that order. I also play down that I work for LaC
As a Vent, it is certainly odd to get a Nossie quest- I didn't know there were clan-specific quests - other than not grassing up Strauss (which I always do the the XP unless I am a tremere).
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:22 pm
by BrujahForever
The unofficial patch is the answer
"(I have installed the unofficial patch - anything to do with that?)"
If you look in the readme of the patch it clearly says "Made CD Quest available to all clans".
Sorry for bumping this old thread but no one had given the correct answer.
Brujah Rules!
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:43 pm
by Anaximander
"(I have installed the unofficial patch - anything to do with that?)"
If you look in the readme of the patch it clearly says "Made CD Quest available to all clans".
Sorry for bumping this old thread but no one had given the correct answer.
This is a buggy feature of the 1.4 patch. The e-mail can now be received by all clans, but Tung doesn't necessarily give you the quest. My Tremere got the e-mail but when I went to speak with Tung, he didn't seem to know anything about it. No quest, and no dialogue to start it.
It worked just fine for my Nosferatu, though. Just as it always has.
Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 5:09 pm
by LaCroix
I also got the email in my current game playing a male Gangrel, altough i couldnt start the quest from the dialogue options with tung, i didnt try his gaul tho. The Funny thing is, that i have the Data Cd with me, as i always pick it up during the warrens, its currently sitting idlely in my Santa Amonica (sp?) Havens Desk.
- LaCroix
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:49 pm
by Jack
I got that quest as a Malk and I was able talk to tung about it but i never got any reward for it, but it does show up in my log that I completed it succsesfully
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:25 am
by jmima
[QUOTE=Faust]No, that's a different CD. The CD you're looking for is in the Warrens. I honestly can't remember exactly where, it's in part of the Warrens that doesn't have much other use.[/QUOTE]
Once you cross the first foot bridge, the data CD is lying on the ground amonst a pile of rubbish - even with high perception it doesn't always glow so it's a case of stopping to check every pile of rubbish out.