Several questions
Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:34 pm
Sorry the thread topic wasn't more specific, but the questions are kind of unrelated, and I didn't want to go creating 5 different threads.
Anyway, the first question is about a bit of a bug I've been experiencing - a lot of the time when I attempt to talk to an NPC, it will tell me they're too busy to talk to me, even when I have to talk to them in order to progress whichever quest I'm doing. Usually after I save and reload they are no longer "busy" and I can move on, but this has been getting extremely annoying, and in one case - with the "knights of solamnia" in the planar sphere, I had to spend 15 minutes saving and reloading and changing zones before he would talk to me. Does anyone know of a way to fix, or a workaround for this bug?
Second bug, not quite as annoying - For some reason, the green circles around Jaheira and Yoshimo have turned into the targeting circles (like you get when you're attacking something, only green.) No matter what I try, they won't change back to normal circles. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Third - I mentioned in another thread that Jaheira had gone off with the Harpers and wouldn't come back. Well, I reloaded from a save before she left, and now it's even stranger. Right up until that save, I had been romancing both Viconia and Jaheira, with the intention of picking Viconia. The first time I went through, Viconia decided to start talking to me right after I had been waylaid in between zones in Athkatla. When this happened, Jaheira interrupted and made me choose. So I chose Viconia, and right after the dialogue with Viconia, Meronia showed up and took Jaheira away, and she never came back. So I reloaded from before that fight, And this time when Viconia started talking to me, Jaheira never interrupted, but neither did she ever initiate any more romance conversations with me afterward. So I've gotten past the point where my main character as slept with Viconia, and yet the Romance with Jaheira still hasn't officially ended (although, like I said, it isn't going anywhere either) and Meronia still hasn't shown up. I'd like to do that quest at some point, and yes, I've done all the other quests I need to have done first. Is this all because of something I have or haven't done, or is it just a bug?
Fourth and final question(for now, anyway,) again about Viconia. I'm in Trademeet, and My reputation just hit 19, but she hasn't left yet. Is it just because I'm in a romance with her, or because I have ToB, or both, or will she leave at some point, or is it just another bug?
Thanks a lot for your help
Anyway, the first question is about a bit of a bug I've been experiencing - a lot of the time when I attempt to talk to an NPC, it will tell me they're too busy to talk to me, even when I have to talk to them in order to progress whichever quest I'm doing. Usually after I save and reload they are no longer "busy" and I can move on, but this has been getting extremely annoying, and in one case - with the "knights of solamnia" in the planar sphere, I had to spend 15 minutes saving and reloading and changing zones before he would talk to me. Does anyone know of a way to fix, or a workaround for this bug?
Second bug, not quite as annoying - For some reason, the green circles around Jaheira and Yoshimo have turned into the targeting circles (like you get when you're attacking something, only green.) No matter what I try, they won't change back to normal circles. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Third - I mentioned in another thread that Jaheira had gone off with the Harpers and wouldn't come back. Well, I reloaded from a save before she left, and now it's even stranger. Right up until that save, I had been romancing both Viconia and Jaheira, with the intention of picking Viconia. The first time I went through, Viconia decided to start talking to me right after I had been waylaid in between zones in Athkatla. When this happened, Jaheira interrupted and made me choose. So I chose Viconia, and right after the dialogue with Viconia, Meronia showed up and took Jaheira away, and she never came back. So I reloaded from before that fight, And this time when Viconia started talking to me, Jaheira never interrupted, but neither did she ever initiate any more romance conversations with me afterward. So I've gotten past the point where my main character as slept with Viconia, and yet the Romance with Jaheira still hasn't officially ended (although, like I said, it isn't going anywhere either) and Meronia still hasn't shown up. I'd like to do that quest at some point, and yes, I've done all the other quests I need to have done first. Is this all because of something I have or haven't done, or is it just a bug?
Fourth and final question(for now, anyway,) again about Viconia. I'm in Trademeet, and My reputation just hit 19, but she hasn't left yet. Is it just because I'm in a romance with her, or because I have ToB, or both, or will she leave at some point, or is it just another bug?
Thanks a lot for your help