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Trapped Chest in Jysstev Estate: Any key?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:36 pm
by bwcbwc
Looking for a spoiler, I guess. Has anyone actually found a way to open the trapped chest in the bedroom of the Jysstev Estate? I'm currently in Chap 3 in the middle of the Sarles quest. It comes up with the message about the mechanism being protected from lock picks and "simple" spells. There isn't any mention of techniques to open it in the main walkthroughs.

I figure there has to be a key somewhere, or did they really just put this there to mess with thief players' heads. I've already tried pickpocketing everyone in the house. Only got cash, so I'm assuming no items there. Maybe some tie-in with the Jan's Sister quest?

The other thing that always makes me wonder is if the Mantle of Waukeen (or Waukegan as I like to call it) has any use other than giving it to the person of your choice in Tradement. Seems like such an ancient and valuable artifact ought to have some influence like raising luck or magically causing 100 GP to appear in your stronghold each week.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 12:19 am
by dj_venom
No, just like the helmet that allows you to see the flaming monster in the Windspear hills, the Mantle doesn't give anything special. As for the chest, I can't remember the chest so I can't help you, sorry.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:26 am
by VonDondu
My guess is that the unpickable lock is either an oversight, a relic left over from an unfinished quest (like the one involving Jan's old girlfriend that you mentioned), or something that was accidentally copied when the map was used for another area and then re-used for the Jysstev Estate. If it gives you any relief, the chest contains a healing potion.

The Mantle of Waukeen is not an "artifact"; it's just an heirloom. As such, I wouldn't expect it to have magical powers. Do you remember the idol in BG1 that you could recover from an excavation? Now THAT was something I expected to be more powerful (and certainly worth more than just 50 gp).

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:43 pm
by bwcbwc
Good enough for me...

...though I thought it would be fun/fitting if the chest contained another 200 # of Illithium thanks to Lady Jysstev's association with the Illithids in the other quest.

Only reason I was calling the mantle an "artifact" was the way the Trademeet people were treating it. I'm fully aware that it's not an artifact in the D&D sense of the word.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:21 pm
by JackOfClubs
[QUOTE=dj_venom]No, just like the helmet that allows you to see the flaming monster in the Windspear hills, the Mantle doesn't give anything special.[/QUOTE]Actually, that mask is one of the few helmets that thieves and mages can wear, thus allowing them to avoid critical hits. There is more powerful available later in the game for such people, but early on the mask is quite useful.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:02 am
by dj_venom
Yeah, I know it can do that. But what I meant was that you shouldn't always wear it in the hope of getting some special ability that isn't written there.