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Stuck in Shadow Ruins (**SPOILERS**)
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:24 am
by ombre42
I've gotten to where I can travel through the 4 rune activated shadow gate. On the other side are some fire jets and an impossible jump. I can't find any switches, levers, loose bricks. It seems there is a platform that may be moved up but I don't know how to. How can I make it across? Thanks in advance.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:34 am
by ombre42
I don't think many are as far as this. Dreamcatcher took their forums down for a week for maintenance? Yeah right.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:38 pm
by BuckGB
You have to "use" (shift) the statue on the right side when you first enter the hallway. You can't hear it over the sound of the fire jets, but a platform is actually raising up to make the jump possible for a short period of time. Hope that helps!
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 1:02 pm
by ombre42
Thank you so much!! Makes me feel stupid, but yeah the fire jets make it difficult to see or hear much.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:25 pm
by Karosu
I also have a question about the shadow ruins that's a little before where you are.
I have 3 of the 4 runes (from the flaming platforms, from following the knight and from the knight/monster hallway). However, I'm stuck trying to get the 4th rune.
When I enter the room with two statues facing each other, I have to give each one a crystal to activate them and I have to activate (and defeat) both of them for the shadow gate to open. I then go into the room with the floating, circling platforms and the 4 Athena Blockers. I move the shadow crystal from the room on the left to the room on the right to open the next shadow gate.
That's where I'm stuck. I'm in a room that has the closed shadow gate behind me (where I just entered the room), a closed shadow gate on the right, a closed shadow gate straight ahead and an open shadow gate to the left. The open gate on the left leads to the floating islands with the two star teleporters.
There are three statues in the room. One facing me, one facing the closed gate on the right and one facing the closed shadow gate straight ahead. They all have empty spaces where crystals might go, but I'm all out of crystals. I used one for the chess puzzle and two on the facing statues to get into the room with the Athena Blockers.
I have gone searched high and low and can't find any more crystals. I even killed all four Athena Blockers, hoping they would drop crystals, to no avail. I've been out the open gate to the floating islands, but it always leads me back to this same room.
I need some help and advice on how to proceed.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:51 pm
by BuckGB
You're right - you need to activate each of the three Athena statues and at this point you'll be out of crystals. What you need to do is go through the shadow gate on the side of the statues and you'll end up in what appears to be the same shadow "void" that you have been entering throughout the dungeon. However, this is actually a new area and you'll eventually stumble upon a chest. Inside the chest is a crystal to activate one of the statues.
Head back, activate the first statue, kill it, then return to the "void" to find another chest. Repeat until all three statues are dead, after which another gate will open up.
Hope that helps!
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:14 pm
by Karosu
Thank you, thank you Buck!
I don't think I would have ever figured that out on my own because it looked similar to the other floating void islands and I kept coming back into the same room without seeing the chests first.
I'm back in business now.
I really appreciate your help.
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:07 pm
by McBa1n
I am in the same spot as described.
Perhaps I'm blind - or not very bright.
I mapped out the ENTIRE area (the void area - the first one off of the room with the 3 guardians-it's the only place you can go..).
I havn't seen a chest at all. It seems like I've looked at every single rock.. Hehe - don't laugh, but I've been doing this for 2 hours. There's something like 10-15 rocks.
Any idea of what to look for?
Or maybe if you remember - where the portals were on that rock direction-wise?
Is the chest on the side? In the middle of the rock?
I'm really aggravated - perhaps that's why I'm not seeing it.
Thanks in advance!
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 3:41 pm
by Ariakas
When on these floating islands looking for a chest just keep going until you see the stairs back up, but don't use them. Go back thru the gate one time and you will find the chest.
My problem here is with the tormented Lord. There are 4 runes that neen to be lit up and I have found 3 of them. Now I am just runnung around in circles in the large room with the 8 shadow gates that all return you back where you were. I have all of the runes except the one that looks like a road with the verticle lines.
Thanks Ariakas
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:29 pm
by Karosu
[QUOTE=Ariakas]My problem here is with the tormented Lord. There are 4 runes that neen to be lit up and I have found 3 of them. Now I am just runnung around in circles in the large room with the 8 shadow gates that all return you back where you were. I have all of the runes except the one that looks like a road with the verticle lines.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure the rune you're looking for is the one you get by jumping across the pillars that are rising and falling into the poison water (through the gate on the other side of the knight from the one that takes you to the room with the eight gates).
I'm not sure how far along you are, so
***possible spoilers***
After you jump across the pillars (the trick being to make sure you time it so that you don't touch the poison water), you will come to the room with the chess puzzle. That opens up the shadow slayer sword. Go back to the room with the knight and equip the shadow slayer sword. Kill the wraiths tormenting the knight. He'll then tell you to go to the room with eight gates and equip his sword on the statue. After that, he'll lead you to the appropriate pattern of gates to get out of that room and find the rune.
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:38 pm
by Karosu
My turn again.
*** possible late shadow ruin spoilers ***
I've made it to where I can see the relic of power. I have one shadow crystal in place, but I'm having a bear of a time getting the second one. I'm in the room with the wind and the shadow wraiths that spawn on the four corner platforms.
I've tried for over 30 minutes to run around killing the wraiths. I've been downing potions like there's no tomorrow and it just doesn't seem like I can kill them. When they spawn back they seem to be healing. I've yet to take one of them down below green on their health bar and that's with a lot of serious whacking.
I've also tried jumping into the center of the room and letting the wind carry me up, hoping I would come close enough to the shadow crystal on the ceiling to grab it (shift key). I've had no luck with that. With lots of jumping and flying around, and seemingly coming pretty close to the crystal, I've yet to see it available to grab (haven't seen it's name box on the screen) and I've been mashing the shift key like a crazy person in mid-air.
If anyone can tell me if it's just a matter of attrition and I need to kill all the wraiths or if it is a trick of timing the jump to grab the crystal from the ceiling (like grabbing the candles in Seer Augustus' house early on), I would be very grateful.
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:45 pm
by Frisket
If anyone can tell me if it's just a matter of attrition and I need to kill all the wraiths or if it is a trick of timing the jump to grab the crystal from the ceiling (like grabbing the candles in Seer Augustus' house early on), I would be very grateful.
What worked for me was to make the jump from one of the platforms... give you that little extra bit of height needed to grab the crystal. It still won't work every time, due to the spinning, but it worked after only a couple of attempts for me.
Oh, and once you have the crystal, the wraiths will stop healing themselves and can finally be put to rest.
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:28 pm
by Karosu
Thank you Frisket. I'm off to try that now.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 3:00 am
by remnant
ummm.... ok. i'm stuck too, but not where you guys are. i'm stuck witht hat hallway with the templar and the beast thing. i've tried a lot of combinations without luck. does anybody KNOW the trick to this or is it just a whole lot of hit and miss? i can have it so that facing north i have beast on left and templar on right, vice versa, and i also can have it so it's 2 beasts facing left, or 2 facing right, yet i can't seem to get anywhere...
any ideas?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 5:00 am
by BigColWales
I'm stuck here too. Have completed three of the four tormented lords rune quests. but cannot access the fourth. After crossing the rune stepping stones right at the start, after turning left I keep going through a shadowgate into a short corridor with another shadowgate that returns you to the first etc etc. is this where i find the fourth rune? Can't find any switches or levers, so is this the right way?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:51 am
by Karosu
If you look at the paintings on the wall in that hallway, you will see the picture of a knight and a monster. You want to choose the gate on the side of the knight's picture. IIRC, one room was all monster pictures, so I just went backwards out the door I came in and then continued to follow the knight.
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 5:03 pm
by BigColWales
Thanks, for that, I stared at the pictures for ages but missed that completely. On the move again now - thanks Karosu!
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:05 pm
by cvahrenwald
Final area
I have attempted to "use" the Templer and the platform is not rising, help.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:20 am
by Darkfanis
Where is the glyph at down left ?
hi to everyone i found 3 glyphs the 2 at right and the 1 up on the left and the down glyph is missing

where i can find it?plz help me
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:53 am
by swcarter
You might want to look at [url=""]our walkthrough[/url]. I'm not sure which glyph symbol goes to which area.