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Offhand Weapon vanished

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:29 pm
by Agrajag
I'm playing Through NWN again and had 2 magic weapons, duel wielded. I had been playing for a few hours and when I had to stop I did a normal save. In the picture for the normal save, I am holding the 2 weapons, when I saved I was holding the 2 weapons, but now when i load back up, the offhand weapon is gone, not on the ground, not in my inventory, and the quick bar slot that was set up for the 2 weapons is now empty. I really want this sword back. I can't find anything about it on the NWN forums and googled abit with also no luck.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:03 pm
by Magrus
I honestly have no clue why that could be. Never had that happen. The only thing I could tell you to do is to go into the toolset, find the sword in question, write down the item tag and spawn another through the console.


~DebugMode 1


~dm_spawnitem insert item tag 1

You need to open up the module you were in and find that sword and check the properties though. To make it safe, there are four labels for each item, I can't remember exactly which is the one you type into the console to spawn things. I'd write all four down and try those if the item tag one doesn't work. Just so you don't have to try opening and closeing it over and over in frustration. It takes a while to load.

I just open the program in "normal mode" instead of opening a module right up in the wizard, and then go to the "file" section and "open..." and pick the module I need from the list of "campaign modules". I'm assuming it's one of the original ones?

Hope that helps. :)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:49 pm
by GuildRunner
I had something simalar happen with a ring, I placed one on top of the other in the inventory screen and ussally the other just appears in my pack,

but sometimes they just dissapear, I found that sometime putting another ring in the slot made it return, but make sure that you have enough space in your pack

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:48 am
by Magrus
The only time I've ever had equipment just dissapear was when I tried putting armor on Leovara (sp?) in HOTU chapter 2. Just dissapeared altogether, anything I stuck on her aside from her mace. Evil that is... :mad: