Tips for all you guys
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:06 pm
Okay, listen up men! These are strict rules you must follow for a healthy relationship. I know I'll forget some though, so please add more if you know any.
- say you love her LOTS everyday, unless you're not that far yet
- give her lots of flowers, but not so many that she gets tired of them -- you'll know, unless you're pretty blind
- presents are good.
don't make it seem like your desperate, though, or she'll get all "Oh um.. thanks. Another one."
- do NOT try and show off by doing stupid things
- following the above point -- Stupid things include hurting yourself in anyway, hurting other people (unless in defense of her), saying lame pickup lines like, "Woooohoo, girl!" or the "whistle," the low voice that is SO unnatural
putting out your arms and going, "Yeah, that was pretty cool huh? I ROCK!" and many many more.
- if she says she's cold, I mean, come ON, give her your coat and put your arm around her!
- ALWAYS do what she says, unless it involves hurting those you care about, because, then she's just evil.
- say she's beautiful, not just on the outside
- open doors for her
- for goodness sake, don't hit on her friends
- buy her food if she says she's hungry
- take her on romantic dates
- following the above point -- Romantic dates include expensive restaurants, candlelight dinners, suits/ties etc.
- talk maturely
- tell her how many degrees you have, NOT how many times you failed grade seven
- do NOT tell her how many times you go to the gym every week as if you were bragging, don't tell her you don't go to the gym
- do not bring up problems, wait 'til she asks
- let her borrow your stuff (books if you own any
, blankets, etc.)
That's all I can think of at the moment.
- be patient
Another one:
- always pretend you know what she's talking about
- say you love her LOTS everyday, unless you're not that far yet
- give her lots of flowers, but not so many that she gets tired of them -- you'll know, unless you're pretty blind
- presents are good.
- do NOT try and show off by doing stupid things
- following the above point -- Stupid things include hurting yourself in anyway, hurting other people (unless in defense of her), saying lame pickup lines like, "Woooohoo, girl!" or the "whistle," the low voice that is SO unnatural
- if she says she's cold, I mean, come ON, give her your coat and put your arm around her!
- ALWAYS do what she says, unless it involves hurting those you care about, because, then she's just evil.
- say she's beautiful, not just on the outside
- open doors for her
- for goodness sake, don't hit on her friends
- buy her food if she says she's hungry
- take her on romantic dates
- following the above point -- Romantic dates include expensive restaurants, candlelight dinners, suits/ties etc.
- talk maturely
- tell her how many degrees you have, NOT how many times you failed grade seven
- do NOT tell her how many times you go to the gym every week as if you were bragging, don't tell her you don't go to the gym
- do not bring up problems, wait 'til she asks
- let her borrow your stuff (books if you own any
That's all I can think of at the moment.
- be patient
Another one:
- always pretend you know what she's talking about