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Sling of Avoreen - Help please

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2000 9:53 pm
by Markep
I have cleared the beholder dungeon and scoured it in hopes of finding this nice sling for Anomen. I understand it is supposed to be at location x=1214 y=766. How do I use these coordinates to locate the sling ? - Is there any other way to find it ?

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 4:41 am
by Maurice
Yes, cover the entire dungeonmap by going over it with your cursor. Whenever you move over a treasure stash, the cursor will change, and the stash will be shown. But sometimes they're ANNOYINGLY SMALL!

Happy (or boring) hunting!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 5:00 am
by Crovax
Try finding tha X buton on your keyboord.


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 5:08 am
by Maurice
I've heard about something like that before ... what does it do? (Too lazy - and too far away from it - to pick up the manual right now).

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2000 8:29 am
by Godfather
It will show you the coordinates of the position of your courser and the area you're in.