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First Character
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:57 pm
by aceofa
Hi Everybody, It's the first time around here for me so (I actually bought the game like two years ago, but my computer was too slow, so now I'm giving it another shot), hello.
Now to my character:
Race: Wood-Elf
Sign: The Shadow
Major Skills:
Light Armor
Minor Skills:
Short Blade
The idea of the character is basicly a stealth archer, Short Blade+Block for backup, and Security, Restoration and Speechcraft as utility skills that I think may come in handy.
Any tips/advices?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:01 am
by Coot
Illusion instead of Restoration. Illusion will complement your thieving skills.
Athletics is so very easy to improve, don't put it under major (or even under minor) skills. The same is true for Acrobatics, but that one is more important to thieves, so I'd put it under minor.
You might consider dropping Block for something else because you'll try to stay away from melee combat since your char isn't battle oriented. I used Mysticism, which was very useful: teleporting out of trouble, stealing while using telekinesis, etc.
For birthsign I'd choose either the Lady or Mage (if you decide to take some magic skills).
Maybe Speed instead of Endurance?
You'll love your pc, I played a wood elf like yours and had the best of times with, especially since he was my first pc too.
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:25 am
by giles337
I'd agree with what Coot says. Restoration is also very Wood-Elven though
Possibly consider switchign Light Armour and Security? Since you'll be wearing your armour all the time (even though, fingers crossed you won't be getting hit much,) it's experience will, most lrikely, raise quicker than security.
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:41 am
by aceofa
Thanks guys, here's the second version:
Race: Wood-Elf
Sign: The Lady
Major Skills:
Minor Skills:
Light Armor
Short Blade
Since I'm more magic heavy now, should I get extra INT or another sign perhaps to increase magicka?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 9:30 pm
by fable
I'd suggest dropping Speechcraft. Unless I'm much mistaken, you haven't got any major or minor skills that rely upon strength or endurance--which means raising those is going to be a bit tough.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:15 am
by Raven_Song
Isn't acrobatics a strength based skill?
I'm thinking of playing a similar build but with my modified Dunmer race (not a big fan of Wood Elves)
I'd switch
Restoration for Alchemy - Alchemy will allow you to create healing potions as well as access to effects from the school of Alteration (and others)
Short Blade for Hand-to-Hand - Actually not as useless a skill as you might think as it allows you to mug people, without the need to kill them. THus less bounty.
Speechcraft with Spear - You can use alchemy or illusion to pump up your personality with spells/potion. Spears allow you to fight at a greater distance, good for fragile stealth/magic based characters and more imortantly will like Fable suggests give you an Endurance skill in your major/minor set.
Finally The Lady isn't one of the bast signs. You'd probably be best going for a sign that boosts magicka as a lot of the better illusion spells eat quite a bit. I know its only your first character but you might do well reading up on the Atronach sign. (which is another reason to take alchemy)
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:23 am
by Neché
I suggest you chose the sign "The Tower" -because as far as i remember, it gives you the ability to unlock any lock below 50.. a really good advantage in the start of the game after my opinion
Also, you get the ability to see beasts and other things on your map for a minute or something like that
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:15 am
by aceofa
1) Although I get less magicka, Lady actually helps in two areas for me: +25 Personallity, for Illusion skill, and Endurance, which helps get it to a standart level. As for Atronach, I assume I can still regain Magicka using potions, right?
2) My main problem with alchemy (and spear) is weight, my character starts with only 30 strength (IIRC), which means theres no room to keep a ton of ingridiences/apperatouses or heavy weapons.
I donno, it always seemed to me a large part of being an archer was the part of running away...
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:23 am
by Raven_Song
1.) Yes but the intial advantage of the Lady can easily be replicated through training and stat multipliers at level. The magic fortification, and in the case of the atronach, spell absorption are more difficult to replicate and sustain throughout the game. Yes with the atronach you regain magicka through potions.
2.) Damn those puny wood elves!
But low strength doesn't need to be an issue. It can be improved through training or strength enhancing items. Alternately establish several easy access "bases" in each of the major cities where you can store potions, ingredients, alchemy equipment etc. (Mages Guild is a good idea due to teleporters) That way you'll only have to carry essentially potions round with you. OK spears are slightly heavier than short blades but heaving a major minor skil in endurance will make it much easier to train and considering your only other options are heavy and medium armor
Also if you are carrying a bit extra weight you'll have to learn to prioritize your inventory.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:51 am
by aceofa
1) How many magic-using enemies are there? enough to rely on spell-absortion for mana? Otherwise I think I'd rather have a little (OK, a lot...) less mana but to be able to take 5 and regain it.
2) Hehe, wood-elves kick-a$$! And they're the best lookin' too...
I donno about alchemy, for a first run at the game, I think I'll keep it simple rather than start messing around building a potion-brewing empire
As for inventory managment, I think "very heavy and (hopefully) rarely used back-up weapons" qualify as something that I wouldn't want to be carrying.
2 questions About Arrows:
-How many are usually enough for a "stroll in the woods"?
-Is there any difference in damage between chittin and Iron (or any other kindw that might be)?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:08 pm
by Magrus
I hate making archers because it's so ungodly expensive to get and use arrows in the beginning.
With the atronach sign, it may be hard right off to restore your magicka but you can hit up temple's or shrines to restore your magicka too. Just find the little shrine's that ask if you'd like to make a donation for a blessing and you absorb the spell they cast on you.
That, or summon a creature that uses magic, like the ancestor ghost I think it was for the dunmer? Hit it, and it will casts spells at you and you absorb them. Then just let it do so until the time runs out.
Also, when choosing birth signs that boost skills and attributes, keep in mind, that will affect how many times you can level your character. For someone who wants to bring their character to as high a level as possible, that will kill a number of levels you can get picking a sign that boosts your attributes and skills a good deal.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:07 pm
by aceofa
I'm sorry bu I didn't get that last part, do you mean that by taking an attribute boosting sign I get less overall levels? Or the other way around?
Anyway, I want to thank all you guys (and girls) for the help, you've been really, hmm, helpful
But as I'm already eager to get out of that annoying port-city thingy, I'm just make my choice and stick with it, after all, I just wanna have some fun, not build a demi-god.
My final Charcter is:
Race: Wood-Elf
Sign: The Atronach
Major Skills:
Minor Skills:
Light Armor
Short Blade
Block (for the times things get close-quarters and there's no where to run, I'll need all the armor I can get)
Speechcraft (dad always told me: "It pays to be polite"
And now for the REALLY hard part, picking a new name...
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:14 pm
by Magrus
I'm sorry bu I didn't get that last part, do you mean that by taking an attribute boosting sign I get less overall levels? Or the other way around?[/QUOTE]
I believe that's how it works yes. You can only "level" your attributes and skills to 100 each. If you take a sign that say...boosts your agility by 25. That could end up being 5-25 levels you may not be able to achieve at the end of the game if you fully level your character. That all depends on how you allocate your attributes and use your multiplier's and such. Then again, I don't know if anyone ever tries to actually max out their character anyways.
As for a name, random gibberish works for me when inspiration fails. It's amusing at times.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:58 pm
by aceofa
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Magrus.
I don't know why, but for me the laws of randomality always seem to narrow down to "asd"...