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All Players Can Use Lightsabers!!! Spoilers?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:02 pm
by penguin_king
Dont get too excited, this is only true if you have a Sabre Cloak. Simply equip the sabre cloak to which ever character you would like to be using a lightsaber, equip the saber of your choice, and then switch the cloak with your desired armour
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:19 pm
by GoldenWarrioR
whats the "sabre cloak"? never heard of this.....
but theres actually no need, cus i turn Atton, Mira and Handmaiden to jedis everytime i play the game.....
never turned baodur into a jedi actually........ and dunno how i should tho'...
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:33 pm
by penguin_king
lol whenever i think if bao-dur as a jedi i always think of darth maul lol. Iridonian with black robes and a dual bladed red lightsaber
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:55 am
by Neché
i've never heard of this sabre cloak... how did you get it...?
and GoldenWarrioR.. you have to get enough influence with bao-dur to make him a jedi... and for that, you need to have him with you, so he can see how nice you are, before you get influence with him
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:19 am
by Darth Wrath
Then seeing as though your good you cant have an evil "Maul" style iradonian
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:14 am
by Ergophobia
Oh you can. But it will give your PC a lot of lightside hits.
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 9:16 am
by penguin_king
im not sure wether or not you can get it in a basic game file or not, but i used a mod from
in this you start with 3 of almost every armour and robe, a ton of lightsabers and mod skins. and even some weapons ive never even heard of
Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:39 am
by Superdude
[QUOTE=penguin_king]lol whenever i think if bao-dur as a jedi i always think of darth maul lol. Iridonian with black robes and a dual bladed red lightsaber[/QUOTE]
Except that Bao-Dur can't wear Jedi robes.
Which really cheeses me off. What's the point of being a Jedi if you can't learn Force Lightning and Revitalize? And both are restricted by armor.
Bao-Dur can't even wear the Force-friendly armors that allow Jedi powers with no restrictions.
Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:52 am
by Brockaine22
Bao-dur really is a crappy jedi but i did end up making him a good character. I went full out into unarmed combat and with his special feats he gets unarmed is quite nice. Just give him the best medium armor you can get (Krath Holy Battlesuit probably) and send him in with his fists. Force Wave and Blaster deflection are some good powers to help him out. That being said i will never use him for anything except crafting lightsaber upgrades.
Bao-dur is also one of the couple characters that is totally action dependant. As with Handmaiden and Visas you will accumulate a decent ammount of light side points to get their influence full. Luckily once its high enough they become dark side so naturally this crap stops and we can all go back to slaughtering the innocent...errr