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Level 6 spells

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:49 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Fullmonte wrote:First question...I have everything i need to destry the gem except for the Gust of Wing scroll. I had it and sold it before I new what it was...Is there anyplace else to get one?
I don't remember Burne carrying one, so I'd say "No, unless your Wizard/Sorcerer in a non-modded game." *
Second question...Its been twenty eight days since I freed the prince and still no sword for a reward. I read Im supposed to get the sword in a random encounter. Am I suppossed to go somewhere special? Also a couple of other people I freed from the temple offered rewards later. Do we ever actually get them?
No, just keep traveling around the world map, and the messengers will eventually come across you on your travels. Just have about 2 empty spaces available in EVERY party member's inventory, 1 for each member's badge, and the other for whoever gains Scather.

As for the other prisoners promising rewards, it depends upon the NPC. The elves from level 2 will provide you with a unicorn ring and a suit of blue elven chainmail (which may or may not be given to you due to a glitch). From what I've heard, an insane wizard from the Earth Node supposedly does dispatch a messenger to give you the gold he promised after some patching of the game.
Third question...I summoned a Mordekins (sp) faithful hound and now the thing wont go away (hence the name faithful?) It doesnt help at all and when Im trying to lure tough creatures through a narrow entrance one at a time it gets in the way so my plans dont work. How do I get rid of it.
Thanks in advance
No clue, honestly. Lord Plothos will more likely answer this for you.

Note: * = I have no experience with mods for this game, so Lord Plothos will be more likely to elaborate.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 2:02 am
by Lord Plothos
There are a couple of things you could do to get the scroll you need. I believe Burne may have that spell in his repertoire, so if you can get him into your party and get him to scribe the scroll, then dismiss him, that would work. Spugnoir may or may not have/get it, but if you have the co8 patch, you can get him to level up and make sure he learns the spell, then have him scribe it (because c08 lets you level the NPCs like PCs). He may get it on his own, anyway, but I wouldn't count on it. Another thing you could try is using the code for setting your experience in the console. Set your wizard's experience to below his current level, then set it back to where it is and have him learn gust of wind when he levels up. Scribe the scroll and, if you want, set the exp down and up again and level him up the way you had him before.

To use the code, if he is in position X in your party (1-8), open the console and type:[X-1].stat_base_set(stat_experience,Y)

Where Y is the experience you want him to have. Thus, typing "[0].stat_base_set(stat_experience,1000)" will set your first party member to 1000 exp. (This can also be used to level up either Burne or Spugnoir quickly to have them learn a spell, then boot them out).

As for the hound, there are a few things you could try here too. First, is it dismissable? Can you select dismiss spell anywhere? Can you get rid of it with antimagic field or dispell magic? Will it go away if you sleep or travel the world map? If all else fails, you could kill your mage, get him resurrected, and then reset his experience to pre-death levels. This should end any spells he's got activated. And once it's gone, for the love of all that's holy, don't use it again! :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:41 pm
by Fullmonte

Thanks for the info....I loaded the Co8 mod and was able to level up to level 11 and write the gust of wind scroll.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 1:44 pm
by Fullmonte
I used the Co8 patch which removes the level cap and was happily able to level up to level 11. The only problem is that in my wizard or clerics radial menu the new sixth level spells arent available. Anyone know how to access?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 2:43 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Note: Sorry about that. Had a little mistake of judgement there, but overall, I thought your spell question pretty much fit in with your original thread, particularly since you're having a problem with spells.

*holds face in hand, grumbling to self* Galuf, don't be a thread Frankenstein. :o

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:30 pm
by Lord Plothos
The problem with 6th level spells is that there aren't any really written for the game. The designers had a level 10 cap, and so no need to write any spells for 6th level or higher. You can use the available slots for lower level or metamagic spells, though.

Also, if you use Moebius' fix, you'll be able to get heal for clerics, plus chain lightning for wizards (because these were actually written by the designers, who had a wand of chain lightning and a potion of heal in the game.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:07 am
by Philos
Another possible 6th level spell

Burne has a scroll of teleportation available for sale as well. If I remember correctly, wasn't "teleport" a 6th level spell in AD&D 1 & 2? (Where are my old books when I need 'em!) Don't know about version 3 & 3.5 but would think so.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:39 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
[QUOTE=Philos]Burne has a scroll of teleportation available for sale as well. If I remember correctly, wasn't "teleport" a 6th level spell in AD&D 1 & 2? (Where are my old books when I need 'em!) Don't know about version 3 & 3.5 but would think so.[/QUOTE]

Close, but it's actually a 5th-level arcane spell for 3.5 Edition.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:59 am
by Lord Plothos

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:02 am
by Philos
Thanks for the clarification Galuf & Lord Plothos. Good link to d20, will keep it handy. Tough trying to remember stuff from "the old days". Memory fades and all that. Lord P, noticed you're now a moderator too, congrats!!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:50 pm
by Lord Plothos
Heh, yeah I've been "promoted". Galuf has been tricked into thinking I know what the heck I'm talking about. :)

Anyway, it sure is tough keeping all the different systems straight. I find I have an advantage, because prior to getting into ToEE and 3.5, I hadn't played any D&D since AD&D, my memory of which has faded slightly. In between, all I played was Call of Cthulhu, where I got used to (out of necessity) making up my own rules as I went along. You want to shoot the fuzzy thing coming out of the cellar, huh? What's your handgun skill? 65%? Okay, roll a 50 or better. :rolleyes: